Sunday, March 09

Ma Dragisi Owanikwa Mu Coffin

MaDrugs anga ari muCoffin here?This happened at Lundi ,the owner of Claremont funeral home in not involved at all and he is not part of this .He runs his business in a very professional way and they have assisted us with some of our burials in Zimbabwe.






We have raised issues of people using our stickers to commit serious crimes.Special thanks to ZACC for arresting these criminals this will send a strong warning to everyone.


More investigations are needed to determine how did they managed to cross the border.






Haaaaa izvi ndozviziva ma driver anoenda nema body anozviita izvi it's only kuti hatidi kupedza mabasa evanwe asi isu tichienda nobody maive makazara zvaive zvema driver zvakarapeer soooThat's why muchiwana Zimra neZacc after boarder because they know that their officials are very pakaipa

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