Lorraine Guyo alleged fraud case reportedly thrown out after vetting
Hamuna evidence says the State. Car in question returned to LorraineThe State has declined to prosecute Lorraine Guyo for fraud citing lack of evidence.Munhu ukatora zvinhi/chinhu chandotengesa wobhadhara half towirirana kuti
uchapedzisa panguva yakati ukatadza ukasacommunicator neni ndokuita zvakaitwa Lolo izvozvo exactlyKana Zvemu dhoto zvaramba kubhadara Dzidzai kushanda honai low rain avakuteverawo mai zvikatsiUyu haasi type dzefraud uyu but she lacks legal knowledge. After this dai atambawo netype dzinenge ana Panashe Bwoni-Sagwete oitawo follow their page rakanzi Know the law with Panashe I'm sure
she will be informed enough to know the pros and cons ecitizen musociety when it comes to matters of property & how to conduct onself mucommunity mune vamwe , engaging and interacting nevamwe mumabusiness deals umu as well.
Lolo is not a saint but fraud? Hmm ndomurambira.Lolo akamboudzwa naTatelicious nenyaya yepressure mukati homwe inepamuromo ,he zirume rakadai
Bt nwae all is well