Friday, March 14

Jah Prayzahs Son Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr Knocks Out Nox Guni In Youtube Views Nox 44K Mukudzeyi 100k In 8Hours

Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr has broken all sorts of records even set by his father. Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr released his video the same day as Nox Guni but Nox had posted his video hours before Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr. Within one hour of Posting his Video Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr had more views and comments that Nox on his My Melody Video.  Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr as of this publication hadf over 100k views compared to Nox Guni's 44K views

On an ordinaly day Nox has done well but going against Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr has made his view look like low as Mukudzeyi Mukombe Jr has done sonething never seen in the Zimbabwean Music Industry.

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