Monday, March 31

Hopewell Chin'ono Garry Mapanzure Died Nekuti Kwakanfa Kusina Zvipatara Zvinoshanda Nyika Yakaora

My condolences to Garry Mapanzure’s family on his tragic passing.  


It is painful that he died partly because there was no ICU ambulance in Masvingo to transport him so that he could be helped.





As I have always said, accidents are taking our people because the healthcare system collapsed.





We need a public healthcare system that works in order to save lives otherwise everyone of us can befall the same tragedy.




Until this issue is resolved, many more will die unnecessarily.


Rest in Peace Garry.





This what the majority of people in Zimbabwe want.People will lose lives unnecessarily..2 pieces of Chicken and a cool drink was enough to convince people that everything is ok .Azikhale the circus continues some idiots imposes himself as a secretary of CCC ' recalls ' certain MPs further




compounding the already volatile political situation. Welcome to Zimbabwe.That means he didn't die on the spot.


In a normal country where health system is working, his life could've been saved.


I think it's time to go to the streets protesting to demand health system that was last seen in 1997. We don't need any political party to lead us because they'll be arrested like Job sikala. Brave citizens, doesn't matter where political party you come from. We also need ZANU PF supporters to be part of it because we are one people.

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