Sunday, March 09

Ha Zimbabweans In Southerton Africa Kwakasimuka Mhepo Mai Aisha Vekubatwa Nechikomba Kokuzviuraya

💔😒Vazoradzikwa nhasi kumusha kwavo kwaMutoko mai Aisha mushure mekunge vakabatwa nechikomba Joni last month and a weeks ago vakamboshungurudzwa vakazofunga kuzviuraya 💔😭😭😭BaAyisha kunyangwe wahurirwa wafarisa uchiivarova pamberi peshawari dzako wakaposter hanty ezvino vazviuraya wasara wega .zvimwe zvinoda kutauriranaI always tell zim men that we need to accept the fate.





In our modern lives we used to know kut our parents sort out things with violence in marriages and they were taught to be harsh wen anything goes against men's will .






This Era if she doesn't love love please let her be let her go and you will find love and someone who respects you .

Izvi zvekurovana nekutirana ma vedios it's the most stupidity that ever happened. 

10yrs down the line vana vako vanoona those vedios kuti ndozvakaurayisa mama vedu mmmmmm guys im not supporting chihure but kurova kunogadzirei

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