Wednesday, November 27

Fans React To Stunner Insults To Olinda Chapel Uritsaga Unondotumira World Remit Handinabasa Newe

Stunner went on live and blasted Ex wife  telling her "Uritsaga unotumira munhu World Remit asingakude" Stunner went to tell Olinda i dont want to breath same air as you siyana neni. Stunner is one who started the battle with Olinda when he insulted her on a live with Moana telling her that Olinda akandichemera. Below is the video Stunner posted insulting Olinda Chapel.

Fans were not happy with how Stunner has treated Olinda and blasted him for his comments below are comments from people who watched the video.

Best Taa-Taffy Majoni That goes to show you are not even a man tibvirepo kutopupuma furo uchizviti you are a man talking like a first grader.Urikisvotwa naye ndochokwadi

Florence Tanya Chitupila They hate the fact that they still love each other chero vakatinyepera kuti what what that's the truth

Mai Angela Chigumira All I can say kuna OC siyana neskiri rekudanana nezvima sverebrity izvi kana makuda murume tsvagai vanhu vane tunhu twavo kudhara mai nhanha kwete team iri look now munenge muchingonyadziswa paFacebook pano and isu hatiregi kuona but siyana nevanhu ava wangu kana zvakanetsa rerai vana venyu mai mwana hamumbotadze kumhoreswa kunzi hesi nekuty hauna murume no and I think you made a big mistake kudanana naye munhu anoty ukuona vanhu unoonererwa uchikangamwa chazuro nehope nxaaa .. mai nhanha chengetai vana venyu and build your future izvi zvevanhu vane mbiri siyai

Harold Moyo Iri ndo dofo muupenyu. Being 40 and still behaving like a teenager? Old age comes with wisdom, but pana Stunner old age came alone.

Mildred Meda Varume vanozvipa mbiri ne bhosvo if u look at thm vanekakusakwana so. They try hard kuti brain dzikure sebhosvo but mwari haape pese pfungwa dzakagwinwa netsinga yebhosvo. If i am lying check on these ppl. Live after live ekutukana na ex. Where is th respect.

Patie-Bee Ndlovu Seems like this guy will always use Olinda name to stay relevant..bvuma wapera

Alim Mimmy honestly if you are a man and you supporting what Stunner said, you not gentle women ought to be respected this is so lame

Charity Mapfumo Mahoso hmmm ibvapa pamaidanana maipengesana apaa aaa usapinimidze iwe aaaa hautaure olinda pamusaka pei tibvire karomo ,usatinyangadze unotoida iwe marii yke is she is very beautiful paye wakatambisa mukana wakungotaurawo asi unotogwadziwa.

Brian Van King Alim Mimmy Truly speaking, I don't support this guy for what he is doing but the same goes to those women who say "kadora"  after many years in a relationship.
People should be ready to move on after breakups. Knowing that you are not the 1st or the last to breakup should instill renewed energy to better and exploit available opportunities

Oripah Badza Staner kura mhani iweee uno otonyadzisa shem shuwa murume mukuru kubuda tsinga kutukana nemunhu kadzi ndozvinokupa kusvika 40years uri shuro usina kana chaunacho nxaaa but you forget kuti wakamboraramiswa na Olinder auri kutatamurira tsinga kudaro

McClean Jaure chero ukataura Stunner as a man u have failed hupenyu hwako chaiwo wakakoniwa ,ko iko kudada nekutumirwa mari nemukadzi if u knew hw dat degrades you haiwa haaa tigarirei hedu pasi ana stunner chero iye mukadzi akakusiya wani kkkkkkk handi waichengeta mukadzi nemari ya OC kkk ma slay queen anoda madhara ane mari asingaite brag nezvisina basa ndirini iwewe ndaitonyara kuita ma video akadai honestly Dziva 0 - OC 10 ita zvikuita vezera rako at 40 u dn have anything to leave for ur kids busy na OC siyana na Mai Nandi musoro bhangu iwe

Anita M Cassie Iiiii murume anonyadzisa uyu. He is so childish haakure brain munhu achena ndebvu. Gosh he is an embarrassment shuwa. Naiwo ma punchline ehu teenage. Haa ndikaita mukomana akadai ka  jesoo!!! Naitwo twuma cheerleaders twaanato tukungo gutsirira. Ndo team richiri kunakidzwa nekuvharira iri zera ravo

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