Many of Stunners fans anf the Zimbabwean social media Community have started asking kuti whats going on with Stunner. The most important question has been all of a suddent akuzviita Dr Phil but he has personal issues he is dealing with. which include his fight with Ex wife Olinda Chapel and the issues he has been having with current wife Dyonne. Stunner invited Prophet Passion Java in his efforts to be Dr Phil see the video below.
Fans started asking question like is Stunner tring to cover up his curewnt fiht with Olinfa Chapel and is using Mukoma masimba to make people forget comments from fans include the following
Ncobi Siyabonga Khuxonaldo Please give Masimba a break. He can still manage to use his phone to go on social medias but the truth is the guy is not mentally well anymore. It's better to engage him privately
Power Ruzai Stunner uyo anofanirwa kuita live naMadungwe mubvise apo ari kutisemesa nxaaa
Lynnette N Marufu Mukore uno hazvichashamisira izvi Stunner.You are better than that .Kunyarara will help you mantain your dignity
Brandon Dzimwasha Dziva ndebvu idzo chingoisa kaa tint ycho yewhite yese
Gracious Mhanga At your age kuvhaira ne tv inotengwa ne my 13 yr old atengesa bhero rake
Brian Brio Chipatiso Swagg yenyu haisu ye munhu ane 40 years. Ndebvu bhoo
Shantel S Mabheki Unonyepa iwe nguva yese yauri kutambisa dai watodya
Lynnette N Marufu Iwe Stunner he is sick ukuda kunzwisisa chii ipapa