Friday, February 07

Do Not Buy Beef From Belleavue Butchery Varikutengesa Nyama YeMombe DzineZvirwere

Conversation from people with knowledge of of Bellevue Butchery 

[3/9, 20:56] +263 77 513 0880: Mombe dzir kufa in bulk in mhondoro and abbatoirs are buying those beasts at $20, $50 USA and the meat is most on special muma butchers. Vets have failed to determine the problem

[3/9, 20:56] +263 77 513 0880: [09/03, 19:32] +263 77 245 0346: Varimi wee ndapota abiyangu musadye beef kani .I'm still in shock ndaona truck ye  a big meat company ichiloader mombe dzinorwara dzimwe dzanga dzisinga gone kana kusimuka .Handichataure ne Zita but company iyi inosupplier Even Ana Ok .No wonder why beef is cheap in Ok ,Tm.please ndapota musadye beef munoparara ! Please pass on this message to others ,Save lives!!!!

[09/03, 19:32] +263 77 245 0346: The company was paying for a beast $40 USD

[3/9, 20:56] +263 77 513 0880: I can confirm, yesterday (Sunday the 8th of March) on our way to Kadoma with a friend, as we just got out of Chegutu, we saw a truck the size of a T35, parked on the side of the road with beef carcasses, and another smaller truck which was being loaded some of the beef.

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