A Coalition Goverment wil be the result of the Zimbabwean 2018 Elections
Zimbabwean elections will be on July 31st, and there can only be one outcome a Coalition Government. With MDC rejuvinated and being lead by young Nelson Chamisa and his vision on spaghetti roads and bullet trains MDC has plenty of support in the city's and towns. ZanuPF is still the same nothing much has changed. The advantange ZanuPF has is that it controls the police and the Army and its run by people with over 30 years of political experience.
MDC is a young party being lead by a young and naive leader who see everything in black and white. Politics is far from black and white, politics is about money, lies and back office deals which ZanuPF is a master.
Here are facts we should all consider:
-ZanuPF will not give up power even if they lose
-ZanuPF controls the Police and Army
-Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa & General Constantino Guveya Chiwenga have support of the military and China
-Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti are the faces of MDC
Knowing these facts ZanuPF will not give up power that easily and history always repeats itself. Nelson Chamisa and Tendai Biti are the faces of MDC and whatever outcome of the elections results, if MDC wins ED will negotiate with Chamisa and Biti about a coalition Goverment like they did with the Late Morgan Tsvangirai.
Chamisa will have no choice but accept because its all about money and power. Ed will give him a title of Prime Minister and shower Chamisa with wealth. ZanuPF will make Biti a Minister and give him lots of money. Biti looted like no other and gained plenty of wealth when he was a minister of finance in the last coalition Government.
A coalition government is coming if ZanuPF loses ED and Chiwenga will not give up power to a 40 something young man to run the country.