Mai Tinashe Mugabe vanotomboda kuitwa brand ambassador kuma boutique ndaaa hiii murume ndiye anenge angori akafitwa zvinoenderana ne occasion newa Tinashe Mutarisí ππππππποΈ Iye tinashe wacho ndiye ane error why asingapfekedzi mukadzi achichena ega nemumba ndizvozvi munhu kuda kuzviita kakomana pfekedza mkadzi wako ndiwe unoziva maooccasion nezvinodiwakoVanenge vanopinda church End Time Message coz musoro havana kugadzira and make up havaise
Pasangana team rine huyanga hwekupfeka nhasi ππππππ€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£ Pasangana team rine huyanga hwekupfeka nhasi ππππππ€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£π€£ Pple talking abt dressing musapa vanhu pressure let pple dress zvavanoda and kusararamira vanhu yooo zveku africa ma 1
RIP Rue Ndarwadziwa ufunge she died 2 weeks ago only to find out today kuti haasisipo. guys let’s keep on checking on each other kana munhu arova just make a phone call ungomubvunza utano. Thank you Rue's Paper Flowers takashanda tese zvakanaka pano paNyika mukadzi aifara uyu mhani .,,yoh pasi harigute
Pamathrowback ipapo munomboziva here kuti Mhosva yaiva n'anga paakatanga kuvhura peji rake.Achitozviti Sekuru NjuzuAitengesa mishonga yese hapana chaanga asingakusotereKupusisa murume aikutengesera mabori ekambwa kake kainzi AminaVachiri kuremember mazuva eGoikoi ndianani?Akabva kure Admire uyu.Nhai Mhosva achiko here Amina??
Traditional leaders selling State land will be prosecuted and risk jail, the Ministry of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development has warned as it combats the growing practice by village heads, especially in the communal lands around Harare Metropolitan, to sell off plots. Already several village heads have been convicted of the crime. Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development Permanent Secretary Professor Obert Jiri said traditional leaders were not allowed to sell State land, and communal land is classified as State land held in trust. They should work hand in glove with local councils. “Village heads should not sell land, rat
X Boyfriend yaKiki Nehasha Yekuona Interview Ya DJ Ollah Yabuditsa Mavideo Manyowani Akataurwa NaTytie Achibhaudha Nekudyisa Kiki Chinhu Chake. Zvakaoma zvataona Zvionereyi mega . Kuti tikande video racho hazviite asi honai mapikicha acho , unoita kupera simba wena
Video Remukadzi Wekurohwa Nevakadzi Veku Hatcliff Akarara Nemurume Wemunhu Rabuda Zvakaoma Zvavaiyita. A video has been trending on Twitter where several women ganged up while beating another woman, who they alleged to be a homewrecker, senselessly in a ‘street justice’ style attack has outraged many Zimbabweans. according to an X user who shared the video, The incident took place in Hatcliffe, where a group of women were beating an unnamed woman. According to the comments, the victim was dating a married man, and the other ladies took matters into their own hands. Information on whose husband she was dating has not been named, nor does the video make it clear. &nbs
The news comes a week after both Princess Kate and King Charles III were discharged from a private London clinic after medical procedures. King Charles III, 75, has been diagnosed with cancer, Buckingham Palace announced Monday."During The King’s recent hospital procedure for benign prostate enlargement, a separate issue of concern was noted," the palace said in an emailed statement. "Subsequent diagnostic tests have identified a form of cancer."The statement also did not specify what stage the cancer was found. Separately, Buckingham Palace said Charles did not have prostate cancer.The news comes a week after both Kate and King Charles were discharged from a private London clinic after
Handibhadhare Maintenance YaRokadhiya Amai Vake Ndivo Vakandisiya Baba Rokadhiya Vajamuka. Ndabvisa post been receiving a lot of calls people asking me to take it down....I have a question Badoo inoitawo here pamukadzi akaroorwa Zvakaoma Baba Rokadhiya Vajamuka Handipe Mai Roka Mari Ivo vatatuta Zvinhu Zvavo Vega. Dear friends and family, it is with great sadness I’m announcing that Baba Roka and I will no longer be married. Whatever happens, he is still a respected father of my children and I will always wish him well. You are probably wondering what happened? Well, things just don’t work out sometimes and it’s best that we just made the decision. Baba
Sir Wicknell ndauya ne mhinduro yenyu !My name is Tawanda Mumanyi zita randakapiwa ndichipinda pa nyika yakanaka ye Zimbabwe nekukura ndakazozvipa ranguwo Seh Calaz kusiri kuti ndakashora randakapiwa nevabereki asi kuti ndizvipe identity imwe inoenderana ne basa rangu . Ndinoziva like any other artists upcoming or renowned unoramba ichiita vanhu vanokufarira vashoma kana vakawanda zvekuti vanhu ivavo vanosvika panguva yekusaziva kuti SehCalaz politically ariku side reason yandada kutaura ne nyaya iyi ndeyekuti kune vanhu veruzhinji vakutofungidzira side risiriro . Ndinzwisisei kuti handisi kuda kutaura izvi nekuti ndiri kuda kuitirwa zvakanaka asi kuti ndirikuzivisa ruzhinji kuti musafungidzire zvinhu zvamogona kundibvunza .