Malvern Luther Pazvakavambwa Assylum Seeker Weku UK Ojamba Border Ke Zambia Kuba Vana Va Fadzi Maupa Report Kuma Purisa Makaona Vana Vakabiwa. Malvin Imbavha dealer irikudanana ne C10 ReZanupf kuba vans va Fadzi Maupa . If you see these kids report to police. Malvern is a violent criminal with links to car robbers and armed robbers Fadzi is not safe but risking her life to get her kids back .
Got involved in an Accident, but we thank God for life. Wasu anga akuda kuitwa zvakaitwa pilot wendege gore riya, imiwoye 🙌 Zvakaoma. Sorry Wasu, The Cat is a liar . Accident inongoitika agara achitori nmamwr maaccident aanosisqngana nawo asi aisangotaurwa Vanhu sei muchivenga munhu to that extend
Zvimwe zvese zvomotaura kuti kurwadziwa nemota izvo ndeimwe nyaya. We are happy for her and zvakarongeka chaizvo. Zvisinei we cant run away from the fact that she is CIO. Tirikungoti muzive vanhu vamunofamba navo and muzive kuti mota dziri kupihwa vanhu vakaita sei chete. no munhu uyu anofanira kunge arihama yemukadzi uyu....hakuna mutorwa anorwadziwa to that extent.....Mybe varikuzama kumudonhedza varikutadza ....mukadzi uyo akatumwa naMwari akaparidza so ...kana stress inobva ...anekakuparidza kanorerutsa zvinorema soo. Ndimi waya waifunga kuti Chaplin wachashupika mazuva awakafirwa nemurume hezvo Chappy waenda nenyika. Zororai askana musarwadzirwe nemunhu anotaura nekuchemera Mwari wake Zvebasa rei ...basa chinhu
BREAKING NEWS: SAPS has initiated hunt for illegal Zimbabwean foreigners through Operation Shanela, this comes after the High Court granted The Department of Home Affairs the authority to arrest and deport illegal foreigners. This operation continues despite ruling of the Supreme Court diminishing ZEP case. The minister of Home Affairs has reiterated that all illegal undesirable foreigners will be deported as per High Court ruling.
Controversial rapper Holy Ten has been struck by a copyright claim on his song Ucharamba Uchipisa, and it has been taken off YouTube. Since last week, Zimbabwean artists have been under smoke over copyright claims. It all started with Pastor Charles Charamba reporting Jah Signal’s Sweetie for copying Kana Vanhu Vangu. In a statement online, the gospel musician said he was forced to act after Jah SIgnal copied another song, Tengai Mafuta. Charamba clarified that initially, Jah Signal reached out for permission, and they turned him down. He still went on to release the song, and they let him. The artists have since made peace. Days later, record label Kenako Music made a copyright claim against Winky D&rsquo
Chiranga Mapenzi Baba Charamba Voti Munhu Wese Muzimbabwe Anoshandisa Musi Yangu Without My Permission Ndokudira Copyright. The removal of Jah Signal's 'Sweetie' video from YouTube due to a copyright claim by Charles Charamba ignites a debate on ethics, morality, and intellectual property rights in the music industry. This incident highlights the importance of balancing artistic freedom and respect for original creators. In the dynamic world of music, where melodies intertwine with the fabric of culture, a recent incident has sparked widespread discussion on the delicate balance between artistic inspiration and intellectual property rights. At the heart of this discourse is the Zimdancehall sensation Jah Signal, whose
Tinotenda zvamaita mwari ngavawedzere pamatapudza…. #tisatauramazita
Olinda Onyepa Kutengera Greatman Wheelchair Apa Ma Ambulance be Mari Ya Shema Hazvina Kumbosvika.
Amai Vemwana waGilbert Arikunzi Arikudanana Na TT Voti Aya Ndomashura Takutora Nwana Wedu Adzoke Ku Kadoma Amai Vemwana Uyu Vaita live na Nhubhu Vakataura Kuti mwana wedu Haazi Ngochani. Takumutora rugare naye . Asi Ati arikuda kuuya after birthday party yake wonai Video yacho pasi
Charamba Voti Ndoregerera Jah Signal Akandiripa Mombe 5 Nemagumbeze 10 In an uplifting development within the music industry, Pastor Charles Charamba has openly declared his readiness to forgive the rising star Jah Signal, who’s accused of song theft. Pastor Charamba briefly interacted with Zimbolivenews on Friday night. On the day, he shared his perspective, highlighting a compassionate approach towards the matter. He likened Jah Signal to a child who might simply lack understanding of copyright laws, suggesting that education, rather than punishment, is the path forward. This gesture of forgiveness has sparked reactions across the music community, including from influential content creator TaffyTheMan, who has urg