Friday, March 28

Politics News

September 12, 2023

Zanupf Strong Party Of Evil Barbra Rwodzi Tourism Minister Uyu Akauraisa Vakawanda Including Murume Wake Verengai Zvizere

Barbra Rwodzi, the new Tourism Minister threatened a senior police officer after calling him a dog for simply doing his job, the whereabouts of the police officer are unknown. Her husband who was contesting elections as an Independent died in mysterious circumstances, ran one of the most violent campaigns in Chirumanzu, threatened her opponent Patrick Cheza with a gun before getting him jailed for no apparent reason           . Cheza is languishing in remand prison. For all this, she gets rewarded with a cabinet post…You can't be a true patriot without a messy record ,otherwise you will sell out when squashed bcoz you got nothing to loseEvilness is what makes Zanu pf a strong partyChinhu chedu!! Kwete che Zimbabwe!    

September 12, 2023

Munangagwa Son Kuda Is Now Deputy Minister Of Finance Vakutoita Zimbabwe Tuckshop Tekumba Kwavo Macitizens Takangonyarara

ED’s son Kuda Mnangagwa is the new Deputy Minister of Finance. The exact reason they removed Mugabe claiming he wanted to make Zimbabwe a family affair…They remove Mugabe saying we are targeting crimals around Mugabe with this shit dramazChinhu chedu!! Kwete che Zimbabwe!           “He also named his son Kudakwashe David Mnangagwa as deputy Finance minister, Barbara Rwodzi as Tourism minister and his side luck Owen Mudha Ncube as Midlands provincial minister.       He also named his nephew Tongai Mnangagwa as deputy minister.”   #MUCHADURA!!Ministry of Finance is one of most powerful cabinet portfolios after the presidium...

September 12, 2023

Honourable Hwende Vokumbira Ruregerero Mhuri Ye CCC Handichanwe Futi Or Kubata Chikafu Muparliament

Nezuro Honourable Hwende vakakumbira ruregerero kumhuri yeCCC nenyaya yavo yekumwa mvura muParliament         Once again izvi zvinoita kunge majokes untill your doctor tells you kuti wava neCancer It's better to be paranoid and safe than to be too trusting and die           Minimise your exposure to any potential Zanu related danger  Please CCC cdes takurai food yenyu zvese nemvura yenyu Zanu Pf irikuda 2/3 majority muParliament umo           By Elections are loading,,don't render yourself a victim    We love you cde Hwende   RIP Morgan Tsvangirai,Patson Dzamara,Tamsanqa Mahlangu

September 12, 2023

11 out of 102 Mnangagwa Kids Nyika Is Being Looted Nemhuri Iyii

ED is believed to have 102 kids - here is a ‘fraction’ of them..Thus y he can't be a Leader he spend most of his time under women's garments...11 out of 102 Mnangagwa kids.           So the whole country is being looted by one family,in other words Zimbabwe is his private company.Truth, I knew ED from Gweru and had many kids there and girl friends.             ED is a man who doesn't know what love is ?We should just organise ourselves and go into the streets peacefully and prepared to die for a cause.,,..or let's hold our silence and mama in silence coz takavata mu brain

September 12, 2023

Zimbabwe From Mugabe Family Nation To Munangagwa Family Tuckshop Zimbabweans

ZIMBABWE PRIVATE LIMITED COMPANY๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ‡ฟ๐Ÿ‡ผwe allow a lot of nonsens3 in zim now a country family bussiness       From Mugabe family nation to Mnangagwa family nation         ED’s son Kuda Mnangagwa is the new Deputy Minister of Finance. The exact reason they removed Mugabe claiming he wanted to make Zimbabwe a family affair…     The great difference between these two couples is that. The previous couple was educated than the current one. PHD holder ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚   They remove Mugabe saying we are targeting crimals around Mugabe with this shit dramaz

September 09, 2023

Varoora VekwaMunangagwa Mukadzi Wa Emerson Junior Kushungurudza Maid Wavo Akaita Nekuonda Haapiwe Zvokudya Nezororo Mhuri Yakashata Moyo Iyii

Hallo! Hallo! Maid wevaroora veku the Croc family akufamba akapfekwedzwa nyufomu yechimadhumbe kuma functions ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜         Zvakaoma yangwe zvikandzi ari pabasaHaiwawo zvimwewo kunyanya ,varikuti aripabasa do u mean akapfeka hembe dzake ku function anenge asiri pa basa?motooneka vamwe venyu kuti amugarisane nema helpers,kuda kuganira chirungu paDenga           apa she looks exhausted apa kuonda wonzi ziuniform vane hutsinye vanhu ivava apa ivo they are well dressed kukundwa naTyra kugona kuchengeta mai Bee .           Ndofunga kna chikafu havatopihwi vanotengerwa hupfu negallon rematemba type iyi hamusi kuizivaKungoti vanhu vanosiyana veduwe vandaishandira vaitondipa

September 09, 2023

Thokozani Kupe Akaisirwa Poison Yakauraya Tsvangirai Paakaenda KuDam Na Dambudzo Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa

Imi dzidzai chinhu one vanhu ve CCC musangodya pese pese ZANU ndiro basa rekuponda vanhuZanu inozviti ndeye ropa ,amai vakatamba e wrong friends but dai mwari vawabatsira .         i remember vari ku farm vachipa hove food vasikuziva kuti ivo ndovarikupiwa food inopedza maspotS he is one of those vakaisirwa poison paya look at joyce mujuru it's very sad,get well soon mamiCancer yanga yagara iripo zvayo pana madam Kuphe .             But gore riye rekuenda kumadam efish naMunangagwa akatopihwa more poison kafira mberi. E D ndiye Satan mupenyu arikurarama paZimbabweyes we have political Differents but kana munhu achienda Go though something           Hatifane k

September 06, 2023

Pokello Showing Off Maoko A Emerson On A Recent Video Achipindura Vekuti Anodyirwa Musaga

Sisy Poki varipano chete.Vatiratidza kabendekete hanzi munofunga kuti ndopenga ndofamba ndega here?.Vatori vese nedzedzi ava..Mukukanganwa kuti ava vanofamba nemaPrivate Jet saka dzakangoti dzichibva kunotamba kutonga kwaro ndobva dzabaya naPoki kunofara zvavo.           Gulez vakangoti zete kumba vega izvezvi.Mabhishu manyama anaPoki ava gulez vaona motoKudyirwa musaga kunorwadza shuwa kkkk.Vanoperera pama pendekete iwayo.Hanzi heee hakuna munhu wemunhu munonyepa ngamubudise ka tione kuti akazvitemba here kkkk.             Haiwawo zvipiko vakawanda varikudyirwa musaga, chikuru I bag ne soft life…. Ndiye adii zvake rega adye zvake mari yema rema, isu tichingovukura nemiromo yedu ye white iv

September 06, 2023

Grace Mugabe Akapfeka Zvinhu Zve More Than 30 000 Usd Ku Inauguration Soldiers Vanomuchengeta Vanotendwa Ne Chicken Inn Sad

Update: Protect the loot.   Grace Mugabe and her entourage had hand bags worth over U$19,000.           Green Chanel Vintage +$9000, Ltd Edition Gucci $4000, Black Chanel +$4000, Manolo +$2000.         The soldiers, police & supporters that protect them were each given a $3 chicken inn snackThe return of G40 , Ava two ndivo vachagarisa             munangagwa muma ice blocks can't wait for Season 2 Coup ,the trail is giving

September 04, 2023

Shame Zimbabweans Vanotambura Stereki Kuuraya Future Yevana Nekuda Kwe Nhindi Yenyama Vanhu Ava Vanoda Kugarwa Navo Pasi

Shame kuuraya future yevana nekuda nhindi mbiri dzehuku iwe munhu uine chirigwi chizere huku akaroya Zimbabwe akafa ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ         Vanhu ava vanoda kunyatsogarwa navo pasi vooneswa one by one otherwise zvataura johani. Ndozvavanoteerera           Chicken inn neMirinda apo kumba wasiya vana vasina kana shangu dzekuxool fees muhomwe hauna           Ndazobvuma hangu Zimbabwe inema dofo kwete ekutamba .zviya zvekunzi munevanhu vakadzidza ndezvenhema zviyeIhama dzanani idzi ๐Ÿšฎ๐Ÿšฎ๐Ÿšฎ๐Ÿšฎvanhu vakajaira nhamo ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ๐Ÿ™Œ

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