Friday, March 28

Politics News

January 11, 2024

Zvashamisa Vakawanda Chipo Muchengwa Omira Na Sniper Stom Muchure Mekunge Adzi Ava Vanongozvarisa Pese Pese Iye Oti Ndibaba Vemwana Wangu Tisiyeyi Tirikuchema Terry

Sniper storm vakuru vekuzadza vana pese pese vachirova ma hit and runI salute that guy He is a man kukunda chembere zhinji dzisingazive kuti love chiii iyaaa mwana mudiki mukomana uyo but He handle situation zviri calm and gentle .           Yes chipo she have feelings anotodawo murume but she needs help kana uchinge wamuda woziva you be ther for           here not kumusiya coz wakarima munda wake ukapedza mari wedu wemaroma zvaachamuitira Rombe ramurikuvharira muchamunzira

December 20, 2023

Strive Masiyiwa Mansions All Over The World Asi Haana Imba Munyika Make Zimbabwe

Zimbabwean Tycoon Strive Masiyiwa Buys $25 Million Penthouse In New YorkZimbabwean telecoms tycoon Strive Masiyiwa          has reportedly bought two penthouse units at the prestigious Eldorado tower for $24.5 million.           According to a report by The Real Deal, the adjacent units have 5 bedrooms spread across the top two floors at the 29-story tower at 300 Central Park. The sellers of the property were John and Valerie Rowe.          

November 08, 2023

Hopewell Chin'ono Opa Job Sikhala Son 6 000 Usd Yavapiwa Nevanhu Mushure Mekunge Chamisa Avarasa

I would like to thank everyone who donated to the Job Sikhala fundraiser.           I have handed the money to Job Sikhala’s son, Job Sikhala Junior.           He asked me to thank everyone who donated and Retweeted the fundraiser.         The total figure was US$6060 after Go-Fund administrative charges.Go-fund sometimes they're very stressful.         They act like they don't benefit anything and demand unnecessary explanation. Here they charged fee. Now the question is, is he still a member of CCC or not because the leader of CCC doesn't seem to help him either.

October 13, 2023

Hopewell Chin'ono Garry Mapanzure Died Nekuti Kwakanfa Kusina Zvipatara Zvinoshanda Nyika Yakaora

My condolences to Garry Mapanzure’s family on his tragic passing.     It is painful that he died partly because there was no ICU ambulance in Masvingo to transport him so that he could be helped.         As I have always said, accidents are taking our people because the healthcare system collapsed.         We need a public healthcare system that works in order to save lives otherwise everyone of us can befall the same tragedy.       Until this issue is resolved, many more will die unnecessarily.   Rest in Peace Garry.         This what the majority of people in Zimbabwe want.People will lose lives unnecessarily..2 pieces o

October 11, 2023

Nelson Chamisa Otaura Vavengi Varikuda Kundiparadza They Underestimate Me

OUR BIGGEST STRENGTH IS OUR BIGGEST WEAKNESS… Our opposition and opponents underestimate us. We forgive. We tolerate. We involve. We accomodate.         We are loving and kind. We invest in peace. We’re nation builders. And that magnanimity, benevolence and providence is often abused! #Godisinit         That’s falsehoods…letter was written by Tshabangu, a Zanu /FAZ implant.       He isn’t a CCC member anyways so what powers or capacity does he have to get rid of Chamisa?        Same individual who has been roped in to recall some CCC MPs because they are “disrupting “ parliament proceedings. Things haven’t been go

October 11, 2023

Tendai Biti Ndiye Adzingisa Nekukonzeresa Nyaka nyaka Kuna Nelson Chamisa

Tendai Biti Caught in CCC Controversy After Leaked Audio       Former Finance Minister Tendai Biti has found himself in the midst of a political storm as a leaked audio recording reveals his alleged involvement in the ongoing Citizen Coalition for Change (CCC) debacle.supporter,         Biti made startling admissions regarding the leadership of the opposition party, suggesting that CCC leader Nelson Chamisa had been “expelled.”The explosive audio leak, obtained by The Sources Media, captures Biti in a revealing conversation. According to the publication, the call occurred at 16:37, shortly after          Sengezo Tshabangu appointed the former Finance Minister, co-interim P

September 17, 2023

Chiwenga Oti Kwakanga Kusiri Kundida Kundibvisa Ku Army Vice President Haunabasa Haasikufara

Guvheya akatambwa kepele kepele juvhe.. Honai he doesn't look happy at all 😭😭.       Hameno hake iye Miniyetambo ndiye achapedzerwa hasha dzekuitiswa kwaGenerariUyu haana kana başa ngavamuisire muchetura we kuRussia uya pollonium 20 ndiye vakatiunzira Ed chero zvavanoda naye ngavaite..         Dayı akaona pakatangwa kuuraya vanhu akarova Uturn taimuregerera as long atora side revanhu.. Dei akapa mukomana aşina chekutya... Ngaatsamwe aputike... Kwahi vakamimina huruzvi kuChina vakamu İsa mabattry         Akafunga kuti anodiwa kuitwa vice president asinga zive kuti aibviswa ku Army for a reason . Now he is powerless .Dzinotopera dzimwe 5yrs muchiti hee avasi kuwirirana heee chiwenga

September 15, 2023

Chiziviso Zimbabweans In Zimbabwe Munhu Wese 7 October ONZI Agare Mumba We Demonstrate Hatichada Zanupf Nyika Yaenda Kumawere

‼️‼️‼️‼️Chiziviso Nyika yose yeZimbabwe🇿🇼 Hazvinei kuti uri we Zanupf. CC.C. Mwonzora  UZA UANC etc. kana mamwe mapato andisina kudoma nemazita. Musi wa7th October 2023 Nyika yose ikuratidzira chikonzero isu taimira nemusangano kuno kuGokwe, Masvingo, Mutare, Kwekwe, Zvishavane Guruve, Mvurwi, Mutoko, Murehwa Chinhoyi, Karoi Kadoma Shurugwi etc asi zvaitwa nava           Mnangagwa zvaratidza kuti azviitira iye kwete Zimbabwe nokuti hazvireve kuti munyika hamuna vanhu vanedzidzo yakadarika vana vembwa iyi here vedu.‼️           The whole entire family yatora zvigaro. Uyo aitwa Vice Finance Minister asi asina chaanoziva akarwa hondo kupi zvavanoti nyika

September 15, 2023

CCC Supporters Voda Tatelicious Ati Sorry Mushure Mekunge Apumha Chamisa Kuti Ndewe Zanupf Vanhu Vakatsamwa

Open letter to Tatelicious Christopher karigambe baba Tanya whatever u call yourself::         I come in Peace, but usiyane naChamisa, haanei newe, unorotomoka chaizvo uchitaura zvekwausina kuswera, vanokusekerera ndovanokukanganisa, unotaura kuti Chamisa is Zanu pf, heee arikudya neZanu pf, heee aregerera Job Sikhala, unoda kuti aite Sei?         CHAMISA haana kurambidzwa kuenda kuuChikurubi here? MaCourt emuZimbabwe unoaziva here? Indava uchitaura shit about Chamisa? Haisi mhosva yako. Pfungwa dzakachekwa pamwechete nemasvada. Kana usingade kupindurwa siyana naChamisa           Gadzirisa Jojo tank rako, waiseka Olinda hezvo nhasi rako rave Zijojo tank chairo.kana wasvotwa huya

September 12, 2023

Kuda Munangagwa Akatombosungirwa Nyaya Yekuba Mhuka Muzimbabwe Poaching Zvino Mari Zvayo Ingasara Zimbabwe Is Munangagwa Family Business

This boy Kudakwashe Mnangagwa was imposed as SEC President at Lupane University just 2 years ago…we understand the youth quota but hey….finance needs someone who understands a bit of numbers       The 600000 aren't part of the ownership structure of ZANU PF. They're just like football fans in a stadium, their presence is enough...So out of all the           600 000 ZANU supporters the drone was showing us at each rally, they could not find a deputy minister of finance and tourism?Zimbabwe is his father's game park    Zimbabwe is his father's farm ...and that magistrate is one of his father's employees          ZimDaily He is positioning h

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