Job Sikhala UPDATE; Job Sikhala was seen and examined today by Dr. Kondo. He made the following diagnosis: 1. Job Sikhala’s blood pressure is too high, possibly because of the prison conditions. 2. His right foot is painful and he is experiencing a sharp burning sensation. The doctor has recommended a colonoscopy because of the internal bleeding. The doctor has prescribed bp medication, pain killers and antibiotics. Job Sikhala has been in prison for 482 days without bail or a custodial conviction. A colonoscopy is a procedure that lets your health care provider check the inside of your entire co
Winky D kusvika level raari haana kumbobvira auya pa stage arimu coffin same as Jah Prayzah etc.pachivanhu chedu it's something scary. ehe Rise and lead hayo but zvekuuya urimu coffin here.uyu wendebvu achadaro akanojoinisa mwana ma rituals kwaingonzi ku rehab rehab ikoku anyway who are we to judge but kudenga kucharohwa mbiti. mati Mambo Dhuterere vakamitisa ani wavarikurojera? Jah is Jah , Gafa is Gafa. Siyai mwana aite zvaanoda. Even nyangwe vanhu mumamovie nemafirimu vanotoshandisa wani maCoffin aya vachipretender kunge vakafa varimo mukati muchitoEnjoyer. Chakanyanya kushamisira chii zuro paz
Hanzi na Doreen Ketty akapa Mai Tt Mari yekurasirira... Haaaa gore rino zvirikubuda zvose. Ivo vachinyanya mai TiT pese pese kungokumbira Muroyi uya wamunoti Ketty ndapaunonzwa zvimwe zvivanhu zvichiti aida mai tt imi mukwame akauya kuzoparadza mura nekuda kwegodo rake Naivo vanodawo mashamwari mai tt vaity zvinosvikepi naketty wavanozia ktt ndibest waluvness apa luvness namai tt havaonane kumwe kuzviparira nekudawo mafriends zvisina order
Muimbi Kikky Baddas Aroorwa Zvakare Kechi2 Advice To her Mutsvitsa tsvene Yake Ko angadiyi cc wake Mai T2 vakava gadzirira nhaka uku kwatowa kudya riva renyika yepikirwa kuforowa matsiko asisi Ane nhamo anoroora munhu ane zita rakadaro soo🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 l think kudzikama nowadays its now a waste of time😅😅😅congratulations again
Ngoni said "Handina neremuromo. Marunga, Mwari vaita kuda kwavo. Zororayi murugare amai vangu. 🕊 🕊My deepest condolences bro may our Lord give you strength and comfort during this difficult trying timesOh no man you recently celebrated her birthday 🥲. My sincere condolences bro may the good Lord console you and the rest of the family 💐
Zvine chisatanic mukati izviAsi zvekuuya pastage munhu ari mu coffin yatova trend kani? Chikomana chiya chekuTanzania (Diamond) was the 1st one wandakaona now zvakuZim, maiweee!!! Vana vapera shem🙆🏽♀️ Uuuuuum muchati the entrance was amazing Ari ma rituals arikuitwa it kinda looks demonic..... coffin here veduwee 🥺 even mukati art you should know art yese got an inspiration what inspired his kinda art ?? Y'all don't forget kuti music is the devil's playground too kubuda mmu coffin is just so wrong
Naiza Boom Breaks Silence: Candid Interview Unveils Truth Behind Low Salaries Exclusive Interview: Naiza Boom Responds to Former Members’ Claims, Advocates Michael Machiwona, the founding director of Naiza Boom, has addressed allegations made by four former members of his group – Terrence Chirinda (Jatiwero), Yvonne Chirowa (Vovo), Myron Muswe (Ozemwa), and Enlight Muzira (Netsai). These former members left the group after nine years, citing low salaries and unprofessional behaviour by Machiwona. He said "Kumashure kwese uko pasati patanga kuita madhiri emota, mari dzataiwanza kutambira like kuma range kuma200, ma300. But last year, ndopatai panana dzinenge dzasara kana tateng
Mukadzi wa comic pastor waakaramba vs waanaye ndopaunonyatsoona kuti varume haufe wakaziva zvavanodachinonzi mudzimai ndo character yemunhu not outlook appearance .. mudzi means the Root ( mdzimai)..hunhu & respect ndokuti mkadzi ..zvenyu zvekuti hee Nyash and structure aaagh idrama.dai garo nekunaka zvaigarisa vanhu mudzimba aaagh kkkk maSlender akafa nestress zvino mwari vanoropafadza pamunosvora🤣🤣Chamusiri kuziva varume nowadays havasineyi nekunaka kwemunhu pachiso but kunaka kwemoyo uye uri munhu anbatanidza hama here Ukangoziva chakatadzisa mbizi kuitwa mhuka yepamba nemanakiro ayakaita vachitora dhongi kuisa pambaTinotarisa hunhu,hurudziro,r
Zim for us 🙌 Zvazvodayi kunana Tino katsande ko isu This IS NOT A SKIT!!! Itori life yangu chaiyo chaiyo , sezvazviri. The water table in our side of Greendale has dropped significantly. The well was at 20 meters just as we started 2023 winter Now as we start 2023 summer , we had to dig a further 6 meters kuti tiwane mvura yebathrooms, washeni, and kitchen cleaning. There are soooo many Boreholes in our road now yedu yakubuda mbichana mbichana so we really cherish water in our home. Just imagine, ini , celebrity wemuZimbabwe, every day kutsime .... ahhhh ende futi 😜🤭😅🤣🤣🤣. Apa ndinogara kuma burbs ka 🤭
Veduwe if i tell you she came to my spa twice chete Malloti Rose ndivo varoyi vacho who come around you vachitiko kuchiva why an old lady have so much time for an up and coming future star vasiye stay focused on the prize zvichanaka🙏 Tee Chivore kuwirirana kupi futi? I don't even know her that well ini