Ngoma ndiyo ndiyo Ex Father Venyu vari fit Anna Honde Said posting Shugeta Zbabjowa zvurrent Girlfriend Yake Mukomana achirikudzoka kupoto yake inomuitira kapfuko chayiko Mombe payakamwa mvura haimbofe yakapakanganwaIni ndakagara ndazvitaura kuti payakambonaya ikajenga napo ikazonaya zve hairegi kuyerera neipapo chaipo ekizekri Kana mapedza kuseka comment yangu chindifollowaiwo anhu wee hamuoniwo sei kuti ndine pageπππππMvura hairegi hayo nepayakambofamba napo zvirikubuda so suwiti
Ichooooo iyi ndiyo yega mbinga kuchando vamwe vese garai pasi sit down hamuna mariiiiiiii... Mai Mazowe vane dzimba kuchando dzinodarika 10.Gore rino tumasocialites twese tunosvuuka muromo nekunanzva mukosho waMai Mazowe kutaimira COS πππππ Ana Orinda vaitobira vanhu mari vachinyepera kuti ndokuunza ne COS ava ndiwo m sponsor manyamaIn 1 month vabatsira vanhu 4 haaa wozoona umwe anouya achiti Gucci yangu mhai
Hidey I come in peace with all due respect Imi Mbuya masiriri it’s time to tell you the truth. You need to heal from your childhood traumas. It’s haunting you and it flows to the people around you. Go for therapy because you are such a wounded, bitter soul. Why do you enjoy downfall dzevanhu? Especially women. You rejoiced on Chikiti’s breakup, you enjoyed in Mbuya tea hobvu’s breakup and now you are rejoicing in mai Banda’s breakup. The fact that you still cry about being abused by your dad as a child today shows kuti hausati waita inonzi total healing. The way you rejoice when people break up ritori zimweya iroro. You need to stop, take a goo
*Toddlers suffocate in vehicle* Story by Tapiwa Machemedze TRAGEDY has struck in Shamva after two children, both under the age of five, suffocated in a vehicle they were playing in. Four-year-old Kudakwashe Magombo and Kuziva Koffi aged three, died on Sunday after the vehicle allegedly locked them inside. Mashonaland Central Police spokesperson, Inspector Milton Mundembe said the two kids were left alone by their parents Concilia and Susan Chirupani. The parents left the children at 10:30 in the morning only to return at around half past three in the afternoon. &n
"I made better achievements than Nelson Chamisa" said Stunner. RIGGING ELECTIONS DESTROYS EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING EVERYWHERE …The recent financial development is very disturbing but it is in itself an indication of the bad politics and flawed government arising out of and from a disputed, flawed and bogus election. I hear that Banks have stopped giving $USD loans. This will have far reaching ramifications on industry, commerce and the economy at large. As of June 2023, RBZ reports show that 94% of the loans are denominated in USD while 6% of the total loans were in ZWL. In terms of deposits, 88% of total deposits were in USD while 12% were
Leader of the African Apostolic Church, Archbishop Paul Mwazha celebrates his 105th birthday. He was born on 25 October 1918.105 years and still going working for the Lord πππ Woooooow ,Happy birthday Daddy #ARCHBISHOP_ERNEST_PAUL_MWAZHA. β€οΈ I tap in your anointing and grace of LONG LIFE . π OUR generation honors you Sir πππ African Apostolic Church leader Archbishop Ernest Paul Mamvura Mwazha is celebrating 105 years today. Born on October 25, 1918 in Chirumhanzu area, Midlands Province ,ZIMBABWE. Archbishop Mwazha formed his Church around 1953 and he has a massiv
Vaimbova mumiriri weNorton mudare reparamende VaTemba Mliswa vanoti dzimwe dzimba pamusha pavo kuShurugwi dzakapiswa nemheni. (Mifananidzo Mliswa Team) Temba Mliswa Imba YaKe Yatsva Nemheni Zvese Kuparara ππππ Nhai Mwari znema Onion π° Zvese Zvatsva RIGGING ELECTIONS DESTROYS EVERYBODY AND EVERYTHING EVERYWHE
Maturity Forgive and forget life Goes on who are you To Judge Good gogo vazhinji varikuzviita havasati vabatwa chete....well done. Tirikutodzidza so ndokuti amai uku....ndiyo till death do us part...chero mukuhurirwa vakachengeta chitsidzo.. Brave and strong mother.Problem ,Bible verses can be used to defend anything in this World, that's why vana Papa vachirishandisa kubira vanhu ,why musina kuvhura verse rekuti mubairo wezvivi rufu? U all see reverend se sinner but his woman knows him as a caring and good husband. Sska she was ryt to defend hrr man
Ex wife yaComic zvichiri zveabuse or yatova bitterness coz uhmm pain yamunayo inenge yaMazepe yeCOS umwe achafira COSAbuse yakaitika but problem comic vane mafans anovarwira muZim kana uri celeb or socialite you get away with anything Kazhinji panotaurwa chokwadi inonzi ibitterness akaenda nyika dzakawanda Munya uyu ozovhunduka COS yaakungoitwa chero nani zvakeAgona ataura. We are waiting for Mary Chiwenga as well. Toziva achataura kana general vafa. Uyo atotaura coz the beast is far away. Chii chinganzi munhu arwadziwa nekt munhu aenda kuneimwe nyika. Muregei ataure.
Regai nditende sekuru Mambo Chizera Mhondanyama nemudzimai wavo Ste Tsheda Shava haaa guys kana wabatsirwa zvinhu zvako zvikafamba zvakanaka dzoka utende vakakubatsira .Sekuru muri huchi haaa mari ndaanayo. Hongu ndakaromba Kuromba uine mari haisi problem ππππMutemo wekuromba 1 haunwi beer πΊWosvika kudenga wonzwa kuti kuromba hachisi chitema