Ko police ino shungurudzire Mandla na Ketty,apa vanga vasati vadya bota😭 It's very sad to visit a country and then you get arrested because you being unreasonable. The Manager had offered them a fair deal, but Makandiwa haasi Mwari.
Hanzi musandifonera sisi Samas🤣🤣🤣Stop calling me samaz you are my friend stop it Ketina Onyadzisa Samaz Pazere Vanhu Izvi Zvisina Kuzopera Mushe Iye Oreply
Doreen you are in a foreign land…murume wako akadzingiswa basa zvichikonzerwa newe nekusadzikama ikozvino unoenda pama Live uchinwa bronco maSouthAfricans vanotanga kuti mukutiurayira vana nema drugs worse video rako rikasvika kuTwitter (X) sorry rutatuAsi hamuzive kuti brongo rinotengeswa muphamarcy? Ko kana aine doctor's prescription achingoda kubhowa? BRONGO MUSHONGA WECHIKOSORO UNOTENGESWA ZVIRI PAMUTEMO Bronco unotenga wega kuno kuPhamarcy,asi haubvumirwe kudarika 2 chete mungvhundukq sekuti hamuzive bronco mushonga weflue seyi,rakazongoipa kana vakuritengesa semadrugs uye vachitengesera
Depression hamusi kuiziva imi unogona kupengera muWorship zvakaoma kufirwa nemururume uri mwanana nenzira iyoyo #talking_from_own_experience She needs continuous check up. Her type of grieving is very dangerous. Those who take time for things to sink grief the longest and most of them never heal. I feel for her. Hope she get more family and friends support. May God be with her.
Paramedics or police should clean and spray required chemicals Panashe wekuuraiwa nebhodhoro muna Samora Muharare Vorondedzera Mafire Aaita🥺🥺😭😭🥹🥹Zvinotyisa Kongozi they will never be arrested becoz they are zanu youths and they are known by police. Mota iyo yandikandisa mapfumo pasi, the whole setup reminds me of the horror movie Wrong Turn. Haa Mota dze Police government ngaitewo serious akoma....even box rezvitunha mukoreuno kwakushandiswa ma body bag nedzimwe nyika....May the souls of those who died rest in peace....the perpetrators must face a big jail term
6-year-old girl raped, murdered Story by Fungai Jachi, Courts Reporter A 26-year-old Magunje man has been arrested in connection with the rape and murder of a six-year-old girl whose lifeless body was found in a bushy area. It is alleged that Shingai Makura kidnapped the six-year-old girl before taking her to a bushy area where he raped her. Gruesome details of how Makura allegedly raped and murdered the girl were revealed by the Zimbabwe Republic Police on their X page. Allegations are that after raping the young girl, the accused went on to kill her using a stone to conceal evidence. The girl’s naked body was later found hidden between
Winky haawanzo farisa zvekugumha vakadzi hake . Zvirikubuda so suwiti 😘Asi nakvg vakafitana havo what if arimukadzi wake nhai🤣 Bt manext door awinky d akaoma kutadza kuunza kana sviinfo kutadza kudongorera nepadurawall
Munhu arikufanirwa kunge aine Depression ryt now its Mai Dhuterere varikutoda counselling yakasimbaa musatambe nekusiiwa wakatarisana nemadzirooo vanhu vachinosasana wozoona futi maresults achoooo guyz pakaipa kuipisisa chaikooooGirlfriend number 2 Uyu ndiye we ku Waterfalls ane nhumbu,akawanikidzwa pa Car Wash ya Dhuterere na Mai Dhuterere then akarohwa Na Mai Dhuterere. Mai Dhuts vakabva varohwa pa Car Wash ipapo na Dhuterere then Mai Dhuterere packed her bags back to Botswana yesterday. Musikana weku WaterFalls anonzi #Mercy , surname yake handikupei for security reasons . Ane mwana kudhara anonzi Mickie ,so in Waterfalls anonzi Mai M
Yuhwi mandinyadzisa mufunge mambo dhuterere shuwa murume mukuru kutiza vana kutorera ponzi, Apa manje small house wako akangobvisa nhumbu iyoyo tomuridzira yekut washinga here nhai sis rokadhiya watsunga moyo kubata basa rarusifa kurinwa guchu wouraya chinofema Ini ndoda mudzimai wangu nemoyo wese ndiwo mugariro Dhutsi kupfambi hakuna mapfihwa ikapera pfuma unodzingwa sembwaI feel sorry fr mai Dhuterere she is going through a lot.....those who are blaming her fr the husbands actions musazodaro especiall my gender .....there is no justification fr chihure ....Dhuterere choose to cheat her it wasnt her choice ....vngani vanoshama n sta
Musa blamer Emanuwere aitsvagawo mwana mukomana Dai mai dhutus vakanoshandurwa mbereko vakaita mwana mukomana Varume vanodawo mwana mukomana Saka mwana musikana haasi mwana hereYuhwi mandinyadzisa mufunge mambo dhuterere shuwa murume mukuru kutiza vana kutorera ponzi, Apa manje small house wako akangobvisa nhumbu iyoyo tomuridzira yekut washinga here nhai sis rokadhiya watsunga moyo kubata basa rarusifa kurinwa guchu wouraya chinofema Ini ndoda mudzimai wangu nemoyo wese ndiwo mugariro Dhutsi kupfambi hakuna mapfihwa ikapera pfuma unodzingwa sembwaImbosiyai mai dhut