Friday, March 28

Crimes Courts News

July 10, 2023

Zimbabwean Urban Grooves Singer Enock Guni Nox Arrested In Ireland For Credit Card Fraud

Zimbabwean urban grooves singer Enock Guni, popularly known as Nox Guni, faced a weekend of turmoil after being apprehended by Dublin police in Ireland on charges of alleged credit card fra__ud. As a consequence, his highly anticipated performance at the Button Factory on Friday had to be canceled. According to The Irish Sun newspaper, Nox was staying at the esteemed Hard Rock Hotel in Temple Bar when an unsettling incident occurred during the settlement of his €787 (US$861) bill, which included room service expenses. It was reported that he utilized the credit card details of an unsuspecting American woman to complete the transaction. Instead of gracing the stage, Nox found himself detained by the police for the offense of deception. Following his arrest, he underwent questioni

June 29, 2023

Gold Mafia Dealer Macmillan Okumbira Ruregerero Ndakanga Ndakadhakwa Pandakati Mabhoyi Hamugute Kuda Chowoko Muhomwe

Gold dealer Ewan Macmillan has issued a public statement expressing remorse for the statements he made during Al Jazeera’s #GoldMafia corruption expose. Macmillan admits that his remarks, made while under the influence of alcohol, were not only embarrassing but also harmful to many individuals, including political leaders. Macmillan’s statement acknowledges the gravity of his actions, recognizing the hurtful and divisive nature of his words. He specifically mentions that he made a sweeping generalization advising against trusting or dealing with individuals based on their race, specifically targeting black men. Such discriminatory statements have no place in today’s inclusive and diverse society. The gold dealer’s admission of wrongdoing and public apology

June 24, 2023

Mashura Zvinopisisa Kudenga Hanzi NaProphet Makandiwa Mwari Haana Kana Talent Zvayo Ini Ndini Ndine Talent

Mashura Zvinopisisa Kudenga Hanzi Na Prophet Makandiwa Mwari Haana Kana Talent Zvayo Ini Ndini Ndine Talent . Zvionereyi Mega.

June 22, 2023

Cat Family Kutamba Nenguva NeZita Ra President Mnangagwa Vonyora Tsamba Inenge Yanyorwa Nemwana We Grade 2 Vachikumbira Kuti Mai TT Vabuditswe MuJeri

Tsamba kuna baba vedu President Emmerson Dambudzo Mnangagwa. Wadiwa Baba vedu vepamoyo Tinouya kwamuri sezvikitsi takatemba shoko renyu rekuti zvido zvevanhu kunyanya. Tachema tadetemba tokumbirawo muise palist renyu represidential amnesty Murandakadzi baba . Hope dzaramba kubata baba nekushaya mai vedu, tokumbirisawo muwaiver mhosva dzamai vedu dzese gore rino muvapewo fresh start. Vakatsotswawo handi kuda kwavo kuti vasvike pavasvika vaiti promise yavakapiwa nemurume wemuchato kuti achabhadhara zvikwereti ya I’ve yechokwadi. Vapeiwo chance tapota . Sunungurai content yenyika honai vemapepa nhau vapererwa kusvika pakuteera muramdakadzi kujeri. Fungaiwo hutano wake baba nevana vake. Anokuremekedzai uye tichawedzera kukuremekedzai zvakapetwa mukanzwa kuchema kwedu. Veny

June 20, 2023

Reality Sinking In Mai TT Vabatwa NeBP Jeri Rinorwadza Fake Life Haishande From White Sheets To Magumbeze eMuto Wenyemba Hazvizi Nyore

Mai TT is finally accepting kuti Jeri rakaoma and zvekuda kufadza ma Fans does not work. Less than a day after Mai TT posted video vachifara and making jeri look like a disco murandakadzi arohwa neBP zvekuti ayendeswa ku Hospital. For someone who was sleeping in white sheets and had the best of everything to sharing tiolets with 100 plus other women and the toilets have no doors kupisika kuita wakatariswa.  Showers imvura inotonhora and you wake up at 4am and are in bed by 6pm, Chikurubhu prison is ranked top 25 of the toughest prisons in the world, zvaremera Mai TT. We as members of the cat family are praying for her speedy recovery.  

June 16, 2023

Zimbawe Courts Say Mai TT Is A Liar, Dishonest, Abuser, Thief, Untrustworthy & Have a $56K Fraud Case Yekutengesa Magongeti Asiri Avo

EMBATTLED comedienne, Felistas ‘Mai TT’ Murata, barely showed any emotion as she was sentenced to nine months in prison for defaulting on community service and theft of trust property. The State had to research eight years of records at the National Archives to confirm that Mai TT had defaulted on community service. She had denied ever being convicted for assault when questioned by a community service officer. After it was confirmed, she was handed a three-month sentence. Mai TT’s theft of trust property sentence attracted a 12-month prison sentence, of which six months were suspended. She still has a pending fraud case and will return to court in August. This was revealed by prosecutor, Monalisa Mangwendi, when she motivated the court to confirm the war

June 14, 2023

Mai TT Hanzi Vane Mhosva Yekurova Munhu Yavakatongerwa Community Service Vakatiza Saka MaPP Arikuti Ndaende KuJeri

A Harare Magistrate has remanded convict and social media celebrity Mai TT in custody for another day pending sentencing after the State said the comedian could have skipped community service in a previous crime. Mai TT, real name Felistus Murata, was Tuesday convicted of theft of trust property. She was remanded to today for sentence. Harare magistrate court prosecutor Monalisa Magwenzi, Wednesday revealed that Murata could have defaulted community service in a previous assault crime she committed and convinced magistrate Munashe Chibanda to move her sentence further pending verification. -State media

June 14, 2023

Mai TT Not Illegible For Community Service To Spend Another Night In Prison

Mai TT SENTENCE UPDATE: Submissions by Prosecutor Monalisa Magwenzi: I understand accused person was supposed to be coming for sentencing but information we have received is that she may not be illegible for community service. According to H-Metro Mai TT to spend another night in Remand as she awaits sentencing

June 14, 2023

Mai TT Sentenced To Community Service

JUST IN: Felistas Murata, popularly known as Mai TT, has been sent for community service vetting. This is done to see if she is fit for it. From there, the Magistrate will then hand down a sentence.  

June 13, 2023

Zimbabwe Reports Stating Mai TT Could Get 14 Years In Prison For Theft Of Trust Property Worth $18K

MAI TT SENTENCED TO 14 YEARS IN PRISON According to the State, Mai TT hired an Audi Q5 from Liberty Kudakwashe Vazhura at Else Car Rental on September 29, 2020. The two parties entered into an agreement where Mai TT was supposed to pay US$770 per week, and a lease agreement was signed. However, Mai TT allegedly failed to make the weekly payments and became evasive. She then transferred the car to Rachel Mhuka, who had lent her US$10 000 for her business venture. She used the car as security for the loan without informing Vazhura. Mai TT later retrieved the car from Mhuka and replaced it with an invalid passport as surety. When Mhuka realised that the passport was invalid, she confronted Mai TT, who returned the car. In January 2021, police from Rhodesville approached Mhuka and

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