Friday, March 28

News Videos News

September 09, 2019

The Best Of Robert Mugabe Speeches When He Put Bully Donald Trump In His Place

The Best Of Robert Mugabe Speeches When He Put Bully Donald Trump In His Place. This speech at the United Nation is one of the reasons Millions of people loved Robert Mugabe he was a scholar , leader and honest man. In this speech he puts Donald Trump in his place and tells him to preach love and not hate.

September 09, 2019

Apostle Chiwenga Prophecy On Robert Mugabe Fulfilled

Apostle Chiwenga Prophecy On Robert Mugabe Fulfilled , Aposlte Chiwenga prophecised the death of a zimbabwean leader who would come back in a coffin to Zimbabwe in a plane. watch the procephy which Apostle Chiwenga told 2 years ago

September 08, 2019

V11'sMugabe Mutengesi He Worked With Americans - Oppah Muchinguri Kashiri

"Mugabe is now a traitor and has always worked with the opposition to bay for sanctions on Zimbabwe from USA," says ZANU PF National Chairwoman, Cde Opah Muchinguri. She was briefing war veterans after the cabal called for the removal of Robert Mugabe's "dirty name" from Robert Gabriel Mugabe International Airport in Harare, Zimbabwe. Is the ZANU PF Party doing the correct thing against it's founding father, Robert Gabriel Mugabe?

September 08, 2019

Dinner With Robert Mugabe Grace & The Kids

A touching  video of the  Mugabe fmily having dinner with Dali Thambo. Grace explains how she will do whatever it takes to protect her kids.

September 04, 2019

EFF Leader Julius Malema Fumes Over Xenophobia Attacks

EFF Leader Julius Malema Fumes Over Xenophobia Attacks

September 03, 2019

Foreigners Speak Out About Xenophobia In South Africa

Foreigners Speak out about the Xenophobia violence in South Africa

August 29, 2019

Breaking:ZRP Now Searching ZUPCO Passengers

The video below is trending on social media,The ZRP was seen searching passengers boarding a ZUPCO Bus. Details as to which area the incident happened are still under investigation. What are your thoughts. Is this really necessary for a country that is not at war?

August 22, 2019

Video Which May Of Caused Kuti Gonyeti Abatwe

This is the latest video skit which Bustop TV performed, The skit is about  the MDC demo which the police and military banned and some people were hit. We wish Gonyeti and the whole Bustop TV safety 

August 21, 2019

Shocking Video:Man Says He Was Sent Kuuraya MDC Supporters By ZANU PF

Shocking Story man confessing what he did on behalf of Zanu 

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