Friday, January 17

Zvinovhundutsa Mubati Wembavha Itoriwo Mbavhawo Zvobuda Izvo Kuri Atengeswa Nekuti Arikushaisa Vanhu Mufaro Mutown ReHarare

Chadonha Investigator Kudakwashe Chidawa Asungwa NeNyaya Yekuba Toyota Hilux Ku South Africa Akayi Smuggler PaBoarder Akaitengesera Munhu MuZimbabwe




Unconfirmed reports are saying Tafadzwa Chidawa has been arrested for car stealing. Veruzhinji were surprised kuti Tafadzwa aidziziva sei mbavha idzi dzaaitevera for 1 hr dzisati dzaba kusvika dzazoba. 


Vamwe varikuti mushure meku shaiswa mufaro mu Tonas vamwe vakabva vamutengesa kumapurisa. 

Police release the boy aite basa ramakakonewa.






The former cop appeared in court yesterday accused of stealing a vehicle worth US$12 000 from South Africa and smuggling it into Zimbabwe. He was remanded in custody to Friday for his bail hearing. He has two other pending fraud cases.The State said Detective Kedha stole a Toyota Hilux double cab from South Africa and smuggled it into the country in December 2022.It accused him of fraudulently registering the vehicle and ensuring that it had Zimbabwean registration number AGE 6745.  







He allegedly sold the vehicle to Melody Kufakwemba for US$12 000. On January 2, last year, the vehicle was intercepted by detectives while it was being driven by Kufakwemba’s son-in-law. When its registration was checked, it was found to have been fraudulently registered.


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