Tuesday, March 25

Zvinoshamisa Zvinotyisa Musikana Wa Trevor Dongo Otaura Iti Ngaafe Madzimai Tizorore

He is a women abuser and deserves everything coming his way . Wherever he decides to take his life to let him go madzimai azorore emotional abuse. Famba zvinyoronyoroSelf introspection is very important. Sometimes in the mist of it all take a step back n assess your





situation your life n everything. Bounce back when yu have sorted your life. There’s no reward in taking your own life. Pple will not stop talking badly just because you decided to unalive yourself. Don’t be selfish think about the ones who true love you only, forget about everyone elseHe really needs comfort





not insults and all sorts of hatred let's learn to be kind with other guys unobvei nekunzwira umwe hurombo than kuwedzera munyu paronda those close to.him pliz take good care of himShyleen Dzamara kuzviuraya here cuz thts why vanozvisungirira vachitanga varohwa neshamhu inemunyu vasati vaturunurwa

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