Saturday, October 05

Zvinoshamisa Zvinonyadzisa Ava Vaviri Vavhura Hombe Harare Ma1

Reshare Hi guys. I’m looking for anyone with information on these 2 people. They are husband and wife, they took my things from February & they have refused to pay my money. I sell clothes, shoes & wigs and ndakavapa on credit since they had been my customers for







quite some time so I trusted kuti they’ll give me my money monthend as they had promised.kubva ipapo it was story after story, ndoitawo sei nevanhu vakadaro.l have been patient , I run a small business, ndotoriwo breadwinner but vamwe vanhu vongodzosera







business rako kumashure nekuda kuchena nezvemahara. I don’t usually do this but zvinorwadza because tinenge tichiedza kuti zvinhu zvibatane vamwe vanhu vongokuvhara mari yawashandira just like that. They owe me $400 & they haven’t given me any cent and they don’t pick up my calls anymore. I don’t know kuti vanotembei but it’s very wrong to do that kune munhu akuto tryawo kuti zvinhu zviite.

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