Friday, March 07

Zvinoshamisa Nhasi Izvezvi Murume Ozvisungirira Pa International Airport Muzimbabwe Mashata Stress

REALLY SAD💔 | Pane murume wechidiki akazvisungirira paJM Nkomo International Airport on Thursday. 


Airport staff inoti murume uyu was supposed to board an early evening FastJet flight to South Africa. The man had been allocated seat 15A on flight FN8663.






Airport staff also say that akangosvika paAirport and checked-in. Then for whatever reason he went to the male toilet akanozvisungirira netambo yaanga anayo. Pavaka tarisa muBag raanga anaro they found diary rine maNotes anoratidza kuti aida kuzviuraya. 







“The young man had a lot which was happening in his life,” the person added.


Airport officials declined to comment. Airports Company of Zimbabwe CEO Tawanda Gusha referred questions to the officer in charge at the airport Assistant Inspector Patience Ndlovu, who too declined to comment.








Bulawayo police spokesman Abednico Ncube said he was unaware of the incident and asked for more time to verify.


This story will be updated when more details become available.

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