Friday, March 07

Zvinorwadza Izvi Mitchell Mafuta Ouraiwa Ne Boyfriend Yake Yakanga Yavca Ku America Vakadanana Zve 2 Years Ichibva Yaba Mari Yake 6 000Usd Yaaida Kutenga Mota

MUTARE-Popular Mutare City hairdresser based at Pixie Hair Saloon, Yvonne Mitchell Mafuta has been found dead following a visit by her boyfriend from the USA.





Chinyoka said that, on January 21 Mitchell had a visiting boyfriend(name unknown)from the USA who was ferried by Love Mutoro(45) a taxi driver to the deceased’s flat.Mitchell was found dead in her bedroom flat at number 106 Guide Court Corner 3rd and 8th Avenue yesterday, acting Manicaland province police spokesperson, Assistant Inspector Wiseman Chinyoka told The Midweek Watch.On January 22 the deceased advised Mutoro that she would contact him later to ferry her boyfriend to the taxi rank but never called back.






It was yesterday when Pixie Ulemu Tauro

(31) a workmate proceeded to Mitchell’s flat since she had not reported for duty and her cellphone was not reachable.

Pixie found the door locked from the inside and windows closed and called the deceased’s sister Catherine Mafuta (21).The two broke the window and took the keys and opened the door.The duo went upstairs to Mitchell’s bedroom where they found her dead on the bed with her nose bleeding and reported the matter to the police. The body was taken to Victoria Chitepo Hospital for postmortem.







The deceased’s friends told the police that she had about US$ 6000 that she had saved to buy a car, but the money was missing as well as her iPhone. It is suspected that the boyfriend stole the money and he is on the run.






Chinyoka advised members of the public not to disclose the amount of money on them to everyone and to deposit money in the bank, to avoid being robbed or killed.

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