Sunday, March 09

Zvinonyadzisa Turkish-based Zimbabwean Woman Patience Mangezi Osungwa Ne InterPol Mushure Mekunge Abiira Mazimbabwean More Than 20 000 Usd Achiti Ari Kuva Hodhera Hembe Ndi Runner Iye Ari Scammer Zvinzwirewo


HomeCrime & Courts


Turkish-based Zimbabwean woman dupes clients, threatens witchcraft


Story by ZBC News Reporter

A Turkish-based Zimbabwean woman is in the eye of a storm amid allegations of conning at least 20 victims and getting away with thousands of United States dollars in botched business deals.

Unmasking the face behind a string of unfulfilled business transactions, Patience Mangezi is caught in a web littered with accusations of fraud and scamming.









Her story runs deep, from vile insults to threats of witchcraft on her victims.

For fear of victimisation, one of the victims opened up on her experience, describing it as a deal with the devil.

“Up to now, I don’t sleep properly after she threatened me with death. I don’t know whether I will be able to recover my hard-earned cash from her.”








Her voice lowers as she struggles to contain her emotions. The pain of losing over a thousand United States dollars is too much to bear.

“This is all I had, my child could not even go to school after I lost that money,”

Yet Patience is cold to this emotional pain, rather opting to threaten her victims.

“You can go and report wherever you want, you are not getting that money. I come from a family whose lineage is anchored on three notorious traditional healers. You cannot do anything to me.”








A trail of complaints defines her Facebook page.

Only the bold will dare to confront her directly, but the reprimand is harsh.

“You are fools. Let’s see if you will get the money,” she said.

At least 20 women have suffered the same predicament, all with a similar result.

“She is cold-hearted, I have never seen a woman like her. It has been over a year and instead of her making good on her promises she torments you. I have lost over US$2 000 to this woman,”








A precept from a famous quote reads:

“Unfair and deceptive business practices have been illegal in most states for decades. Yet traffickers routinely use what appear to be legitimate businesses as fronts for their illegal exploitation. It’s the ultimate business scam.”

A case has since been opened at Harare Central Police Station against Patience Mangezi under IRB number 060063.

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