Tuesday, January 28

Zvemu Zimbabwe Bodo Mupurisa ZRP Weku Charge Office Araridza Bhutsu Dzake Zvaatozosungwa Sekutamba Zvinorwadza Izvi

The greatest betrayal to the nation is the whole security sector being used and then abused themselves..who then can free the nation...This is the heartbreaking story of Zimbabwean policemen told through a picture!







These are the men and women who are used by the regime to violate the constitutional rights of Zimbabweans who are opposed to corrupt rule by stopping citizens from protests and petitioning the Government.

Yet this is the thank you that they are getting from the regime!







You need to go to the Law and Order section of the police at Harare Central police station, this is the division that is used by ZANUPF to persecute the opposition, critics and journalists exposing corruption!


The place is a mess with wooden window frames that are rotten.

The last time I was arrested for exposing corruption, we got there and the lights were not even working, the cops had to use cellphone lights!






This is the cost of the massive looting of public funds by the ZANUPF political elites, nobody is spared, including those who are used to brutalise their fellow citizens to keep the regime in power!






ZANUPF is an equal opportunities abuser!

Corruption and misuse of power have devastating effects on all levels of society.


Zvino munhu wemupurisa anga fambe neshwada yakadai shuwa?

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