Friday, March 07

Zvakaoma Hazvo Scott Sakupwanya Mabvuku-Tafara MP Otaura Imi Makamboona Munhu Anopenga Achitamba Snooker Here Haasi Kufara Opopota Murimarombe Anoita Mutoriro

BUSINESSMAN and Mabvuku legislator Pedzisayi 'Scott' Sakupwanya has scoffed at rumours circulating on social media that he has gone insane.







“I heard rumours that I am losing my mind. Ndekupi kwamakawona munhu anopenga achitamba slug. It is those people who have nothing to do and are abusing drugs who have the time to spread rumours like this," he said - H-metro  









Kupenga kunotangira pakuzviti mp usina kusarudzwa nevanhuKkkkkkk iko kutamba slug is a sign of madness coz hakuna munhu ane dzakakwana anopindura in such a useless response.






Here in Vamboland kune benzi rinototumwa kunoita mapayments & orders kuma wholesales but achitomhanya mushini. 🤣🤣🙌🙌

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