Thursday, February 06

Zimbabweans Outraged Govt Gives Sir Wicknell Greenlight To Finish Gwanda Solar Project

In a shocking development, Cabinet on Tuesday approved the revised implementation plan for the 100 megawatts (MW) Gwanda solar project by  Intratrek Zimbabwe.  Intratrek Zimbabwe is a company owned by Wicknell Chivayo.
Under the revised implementation plan, Intratrek Zimbabwe pledges to deliver the first 10MW within six months.

The project will be done in two phases, 10MW first and then 90MW by 2022.

The Gwanda solar project has been the subject of court battles after Intratrek Zimbabwe failed to deliver within agreed timelines. The contract was signed in 2015,

Energy and Power Development Minister Advocate Fortune Chasi confirmed to The Herald that Cabinet had approved the project to go ahead even though Zesa and Intratrek Zimbabwe are still negotiating to ensure compliance with an earlier High Court order.

Chasi said,

The parties are currently talking; they are negotiating to ensure compliance with an earlier High Court order on a standing contractual dispute. But yes, Cabinet gave approval for the project to go ahead after consideration of the circumstances and facts on the ground.

Chasi also confirmed in an interview with The Herald that, Cabinet’s approval of the new implementation plan is tied to a new contract, the involvement of renowned power project experts, and a US$14 million loan funding commitment for delivery of the first 10MW under the new phased project plan.

There were reports that Wicknell Chivayo’s contract with the Zimbabwe Power Company (ZPC), to establish the US$200 million Gwanda Solar Power Plant, had elapsed.
However, a High Court ruling said the EPC 100MW Gwanda Solar Power Station, EPC contract number ZPC304/2015 & addendum number 1 for US$172 848 597,60 between ZPC and Intratrek/ Chint Electric Co-signed on October 23, 2015 is still valid, extant and enforceable at law.

The news that Chivayo was given a second chance by Government was met with outrage on Twitter. Below are some of the responses:

In progressive countries not run by Mashurugwi like ours, independent Power producers honour contracts not this promising nonsense as if Chivhayo is doing the country a favour!!! #ItsNotSanctions

— DocLawo (@DocLAWO) June 30, 2020

 All we will see in 6 months, is pictures of that fat parasite, Chivayo, on an emirates flight, with gold jewelry from Aurex in a case… Mbava

— wiley e coyote (@gedesbass) June 30, 2020

 After failing last time then you believe him this time again? I thought once bitten twice shy. Seems you are birds of the same feathers.

— Florence (@florencemago) July 1, 2020

 Once again different views within Government – it’s a disgrace. One part says Chivhayo is conflicted whilst the other says proceed with intratek tender

— Tendayi Zinyama (@Tendayizinyama) July 1, 2020

 Samanyanga madii kumbotinyarawo zvishoma nhai veduwe! Inga tiri vanhuwo nhai

— Sekuru Gudo vekuDotito (@sekuru_gudo) June 30, 2020

 Kikikikikiki ana @nickmangwana . Totenda dzanwa Dzemapenzi e Zanupf thugs , thieves , looters & murderers masquerading as a GVT @Mamoxn @Mzansi_1 @BeautyZhuwao @Tinashete Blazz @CdeNMaswerasei @cdesetfree

— Mash_Hilary Mashava (@HilaryMashava) June 30, 2020

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