Tuesday, January 21

Zimbabweans Oseka Mambo Dhuterere Ndimi Mait Varume Vanohura Imbwende Mafuza Nhadi Zviripiko Zvaiwana Ngwarati

Apa wazohura wani kuvhura zipi apa vavhura hombe Darlington wamitisa apa Demon 😈 racho ndiwe watowa rombe wani apa uri rombe Nyama






Taimboterera zvavaiimba takazoona kuti hazvishande zvimwe zvacho zvinotoda kuchangamuka kuvhura zisoZvaari makwikwi mumagitare umu, zuro uno paipisa uyu wecheni mamaRing mairi muruoko rumwe. Ende futikaaa







As we are in this physical body you should know that we're surrounded by sins that are difficult to overcome.we are not Angels even we can sing deep gospel music we will never be strong enough to flee away from temptations.if you guys outside there are not victims of sins please don't Lough cz tomorrow it will be you in this situation.







i am not defending him but the fact is nyaya dze adultery nemujolo dzinotowira vazhinji saka hachisi chinhu chekuti chichasekesa instead of praying to each other overcoming this demon.God help us out of this powerful demon remujolo cz ummmm tinopera muripo.







Ateya mari a murutsva haachatyi kusvika magaro.Vanhu tisati tanyengereka paNyama ngatityei Mwari kwete munhu. Let's not judge this guy.Miyedzo kuvatendi ndiro shoko kunamai Dhut....

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