Sunday, March 16

Zimbabweans In Shock First Time In History Kuona Zvakadai Guva Rababa Guti Zaoga Chokwadi Vamwe Vasina Pekugara Sa Tytan

First time kuona guva rakadai 

Guva rababa Guti imansion💗💗

Tombstone of Mr ezekeil GutiApa Tytan ahana kana pekugara vamwe vachiwana material yakuvakira imba munhu akafa zvake asi vapenyu vachitambura🙄🙄


Saka ndo paradiso yavaiudza vamwe here iyi. I can see this becoming the centre of the church and a cash cow 🐄🐄🐄🐮. Pilgrims will come from wide and far just like the Islamic hajj to MECCA.



Vachadonhedza bhegiGuyz zvimwe ttingaita iyo imba ndaona vanhu vanamata chitunha icho rangarirai kuti kwamutendi nanhasi varikuteurirwa nemvura yechitunha ityai mwari ma zaoga kufa kwemunhu wamwari ngakuwe kwewamwari kwete wemari .


Ndapedza nemi.Ndiyo mausoleum ka. If you go to other countries families have such in different designs. His wife will be buried imomo paside



British Royal families vanovigwa mukati me cathedral in a special chamber or room . Vane Kamba kavo for that and havatochererwi Pasi futiKuno kuAmerica it's so common. You see these each time you drive past cemeteries and this has never been a problem to anyone.


Not everyone can afford of course, but if some people are rich and can do it, noone is in the business of talking about it, but simply mind their own business. However, if Peter or Paul the apostles lived in our days and they die, would people of God not give them a special send off like that?

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