Tuesday, March 11

Zimbabwe Yavekutyisa AnaHandicap Terry Na Chipo Muchengwa Vakange Vave Kuda Kuchekereswa Kurombeswa NaBussiness Man WemuHarare

So last week I got a call from someone not gonna mention his name akati aaaah is this Chipo muchegwa and I was like yes this is chipo zvikanzi chipo I love ur music mese na terry I love u guys and I have a present for you akabva atotiudza present yacho not gonna mention the present tho so akabva ati let's meet tomorrow mtown tikati ok ts fine isu nekuda zvinhu mangwana takapinda mtown we called him akadaira and he said haaa guys right now am a bit busy so am sending my driver his coming to pick u up moenda kune present yacho tikati ok mind u we didn't want to meet him tiri 2chete na terry we went tiri 5 ne team redu ...aaaah takaona kuti time yafamba driver haasati asvika we called him akati haaa driver ati Ave kusvika takabva tapihwa number dza driver we tried to call the drivers number bt the number was not reachable aaaaah we called munhu wedu then he said ok u guys I think it's better if u come kuno ku borrowdale cz I really want to see you guys ndokuisirai fuel yenyu .....aaah we were now confused ne team tikati todii guys aaah takabva tangot let's go guys tonozvionera mberi ...we drove kuenda ku borrowdale takasvika we called him akati ok am coming pamuri ndine Benz ye white aaaaaah munhu angasvike we called again akati ndakutosvika we waited and waited the phone was nw off we tried calling kanenge ka 50 aaah yakaramba.....we drove back hedu asi iiiii munhu iyeye ka mwari Ave newe.


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