Thursday, January 09

Zambia Yowundura Choya Nekuramba Joshua Maponga - Itsotsi Anokurudzira Kutambura Kwema Zimbabweans

I hear Joshua Maponga is in Zambia. No one is attending his useless Pan Africanism speeches. Zambians have no time listening to fake & fly by night Pan Africanist who support oppression in their homelands. He can go lie to other Africans in Windhoek, Gaborone & Kwekwe !!!

On the other hand, the former youth president of the African Union, Mr. Joseph Kalimbwe, has criticised Prophet Joshua Maponga on Twitter for charging as much as N$650 (43 dollars) to watch him speak about African history and culture.

Kalimbwe was perplexed as to why Joshua Maponga continued to preach about patriotism while supporting the Zimbabwean oppressor Zanu-PF in his home nation.

Kalimbwe also reminded Maponga that he declined care at the Parirenyatwa hospital and instead raced to South Africa in order to receive the highest quality of service. He asserted unequivocally that Joshua Maponga lacks patriotism and has no business lecturing Africans about it.

The precise remark made by Joseph Kalimbwe on Twitter is: "Maponga will charge Namibians N$650 ($43) to hear him lecture in Windhoek and Katima Mulilo about the history and culture of Africa. However, he supports oppression in his country and refuses to be treated at Parirenyatwa General Hospital ".

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