Thursday, March 06

Yokozuna Finally Meet Chaplin Phiri But Azosvota Vanhu Ne Dressing Yake Kusiya Dumbu Paanze

Yokozuna Finally Meet Chaplin Phiri Good one she said 


I am proud of myself ini handina kuchema,, miss you already Chaplain Phiri ❤️❤️❤️❤️





Zimbabweans Not Happy with her dressing 



But muviri wako shaar i think kungopfeka zvako madress it's better ariko zvawo ma dress akatotanaka zvekudaro ema rich Auntie than kupfeka trouse






Yokozuna dress according to your body dumbu rinongodao zvinhu zvirefu zvinorivhara especially papublic seapo harifanirwi kut tirione

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