Friday, October 18

Veduwe Pakaipa Bus Ranga Richibva Ku SouthAfrica Raita Accident Izvezvi Hazvina Kumira Mushe

PAKAIPA | Bhazi ranga richienda kuKaroi from South Africa rinonzi Mandaza/Elsberry raita accident panonzi paKasimure, Hurungwe district. No deaths have been reported but seven people including the conductor were injured








.PAKAIPA | Bhazi ranga richienda kuKaroi from South Africa rinonzi Mandaza/Elsberry raita accident panonzi paKasimure, Hurungwe district. No deaths have been reported but seven people including the conductor were injured.







Vele what happens to these cars which have accidents?? Long bck thy used to leave thm on t side of the roadHah chero iyo road yacho the accident was unavoidable ,ndopanoona mapurisa nemasoja vachidzingira vanhu mumigwagwa yakadai,hapana kwatirikuenda senyika.

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