Saturday, March 15

Vakomana Vabatwa Ne CID Mutorashanga Vatopinda Mundege Zva Delay Vamwe Pakaipa



Zimbabwean government secret service officers dragged three pro-democracy activists from a plane this afternoon at Robert Mugabe International Airport.

The pictures below were taken by a passenger who was on the plane as the activists were being led away from the plane.






The three pro-democracy campaigners are Robson Chere, the Secretary General of a local teachers' trade union; Samuel Gwenzi, a local government councillor for Harare’s Ward 5; and Vusumuzi Moyo and Namatai Kwekweza.


They join 78 other pro-democracy activists who were arrested and jailed on June 16. Seventy-four of them are still in jail as anyone perceived to have the potential to mobilise citizens during the SADC summit which kicks off on the 17th of August is being arrested.







The four were flying from Harare to Victoria Falls where they were supposed to attend a civil society conference with participants from all over Africa.

Their phones have been taken away!






Zimbabwe is being run by a criminal cabal that abuses public office by arresting anyone who fights against its corrupt rule!


Please RESHARE for their own safety!

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