Saturday, January 11

Vachigakanje Kevy Nhai Tenzi Hazvizikutarisika

Rest in peace to 2 peace who perished in the Tamuka Coaches bus accident, VaChigakanje, Kevy😭😭😭😭😭😭

Our heart felt condolences to the family and friends 💔💔💔






Tamuka Coaches T13 was involved in a devastating accident, resulting in the loss of two lives, including the driver, and multiple injuries. Our thoughts are with the families of the victims, the injured, and all those affected by this heart-wrenching incident.May the injured find strength and speed in their recovery.






Accident happened near Zebetiela on the way to Zimbabwe


Tamuka coaches Bus No T35.The bus was travelling from South Africa to Zimbabwe, Please check on your loved ones

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