Thursday, February 06

V11 Rampant Corruption by ZRP In Bindura Town In The Name Of COVID

Rampant Corruption by ZRP in Bindura Town in the name of COVID lockdown restrictions Zimbabwe Republic Police officers in Bindura are now notorious for demanding bribes from business owners and residents in the name of enforcing COVID lockdown restrictions.

The officers are demanding 5US as bribe from both informal and formal business operators as well as local residents in order to conduct their day to day business as protection fees. These corrupt activities have the blessings from high ranking police officers such as the DISPOL (TG Muzvondiwa , 0719019094), Deputy-DISPOL (Mumanyi), chief inspector Solomon Maranyika, 0714001907 (Chiwaridzo area), chief-inspector Ganye (Bindura Central). I

have made several reports to the Bindura Central police station with tangible evidence of the corrupt activities but to no avail as they refused to investigate the issues. I have even applied to conduct a one man demonstration against police corrupt activities but by my application was turned down today

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