But wofira kujeri here nekuda kwe d...k vamwe varikukuza hamuna kukwanaWhat if you kuld have moved on so look now, 2 murder charges vs 1 person which z you!!??
Now how will you enjoy your life in prison,
If you could have moved on yes it was going to be 2 to 3 months in a healing process, but now you wont get healing since u are in that locked house,,,Self control is a fruit of the spirit,
ndopaunona kuti kuzvibata is not a. Cheap thing, killing is never good nomatter how angry you are, as hard as it is wakaona wakagona kuzvibata its more precious than anything especially this generation haina matyira they cheat anyhow and for the excitement of it, no
value and respect for their spousesGrigamba chairo, ganvosta, mu mereji munotoda mweya wechibhinya otherwise unobatwa ne dementia uri mwana muduku. Ini neverudzi rwakwaBaba vangu ne vayera Zhou vese vari pa Facebook we proud of you