Thursday, February 13

USA Gaffa Passion Java Handichafambe Na Towers Ndamuregerara Akandibira USD $10K

DJ Towerz caught with Prophet Passion Java’s missing  $10 000 usd
Prophet Passion Java was involved in a car accident on his way to the airport following a church conference. He escaped without any injuries but was left in shock following the accident. 

His team managed to secure another vehicle to transport him to the airport. It wasn’t until he got to the airport that he realised he was missing 10 000 usd cash. 

His security detail began searching all individuals who had been in the company of the  Prophet prior to the accident and it was established that DJ Towers who is well known for begging from the rich, a socialite whom the prophet had taken under his wing had stolen the money. 

As the money was still in his possession, Java’s security detail recovered the funds but Dj Towerz was left severely beaten and is currently licking his wounds.

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