Monday, September 23

Themba Mliswa Otuka Selmor Mtukudzi Unonyadzisa Iwe Nemurume Wako Ku kanganisa Show Vanhu Vabhadhara Mari

The matter of Selmor and her conduct goes beyond Mai Mtukudzi and widow to the late icon. I will explain this on two fronts;


SaSabhuku tinodzidzisa kuti kune mitemo yechivanhu chedu yatinofanira kucherechedza. Mwana anorwa Shanje raAmai vake anofanira kuziva pekuguma. Selmor or Amai Manatse ave munhu mukuru, mukadzi mukuru, a mother herself but more importantly a wife, muroora kwa Manatsa mudzimai waTendai Manatsa. Matare ekwa





Mutukudzi haafaniriwi kutongerwa mumusha mana Manatse uyezve vekwana Manatse vanofanira kuwana pavanomisa muroora wavo and mudzimai wavo from drama rinobvisa chiremerera nechiratidzo chakanaka kumhuri yekwa Manatsa kwaaka roorwa. Mukwasha anoita sekunge naiyewo arikurwira pfuma yatezvara vakatisiya. Mukwasha angarwe here kana kupikisina zvarehwa natezvara mumusha mavo mudare ravo? Tezvara vakanyora Will. Mukwasha haafaniri kumirizika ipapo.






Selmor, amai Manatse , must show this respect to her husband and her husband’s family by playing her motherly, wifely and daughter in law’s role and should she fail, as she is doing so clearly now, her husband must step in and take the leadership role. He must lead and direct and as a son to the Mtukudzi family, he must actually be a moral compass that skillfully and tactfully brings the Mtukudzi family together. He is after all a Son of the family and seMukwasha anovaka he should play a constructive not destructive role. 






On a legal note, where artists are concerned - I have spent a great deal of time and resources fighting for the advancement of the rights of the arts industry. It was befitting that that industry was represented last night even at government level. With the Permanent Secretary Mr. Moyo in attendance it shows that artists are being given the glory that they deserve, that they have always deserved but perhaps had not had up until recently. What Selmor did last night was not only unfair - holding her fans, her family, her fathers legacy and Zimbabwe at whole at ransom. 





Emotional ransom. Her conduct was also illegal. If I was the legal counsel for the Mtukudzi family trust I would be mulling the mounting of a huge legal suit against her illegal and unprofessional conduct. We give so much sympathy to artists when promoters let them down and encourage them to sue but here we have an artist gone rogue and upon the production of her pathetic skit last night, she is not being held accountable for the damage she’s caused to the event but to the organizers and sponsors including the US and UK embassy who always support the arts but to the other artists as well who need these opportunities to establish, further and advance their careers. 





You can imagine how many other artists were hoping for a chance to showcase themselves at the event but she instead chose to be selfish about the event and the privileged opportunity. That suit would be welcomed. Artists must understand that they have a professional duty to perform no matter the circumstances and they should understand what that means even legally when the shoe is on the other foot. And more importantly, she must not ruin it for other genuine talented artists who deserve such opportunities.


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