Thursday, March 20

The Comic Pastor Needs Your Prayers

One Of Zimbabwes most popular comedians Prosper Ngomashi aka The Comic Pastor posted on his Facebook page asking for prayers. The post had many of his fans wondering is something was wrong with the comic Pastor. Below is his post.

"When you pray today, also pray for me, surely its not an easy thing to be an entertainer, we also have our ups and downs, we are human too we have feelings we also go through things"

comic pastor Fans posted the follwing on the posts 

Be blessed Comic may The Almighty meet you at your point of need and may wisdom be your portion

God will always provide strength for you .It is well hama

May goodness and mercy follow you all the days of your life. Be blessed indeed!

May the good Lord strengthen and give you wisdom to overcome all the trials of life.

The joy of the Lord is your strength.. God keep you and make his face shine on you

Dnt worry it's a small thing we will pray for you and your wife too.. You are good at what you do..

Ini ndotya kuti ndikakunamatira inozoita munhu kwaye tikazoshaya anoti Sekesa. Be strong bro life has it's own challenges but the goal is to staying winning.

Stop, look, listen to your heart and follow it. It shall be well with you Comic. Just have a great one!

Power colors there man!!! A Lifelong promise. If you know you know !!

Bt pawakati wasuwa sadza wakandigura kunorira

Fugama utarise mabvazuva ubata hanayako katatu mwari vakunzwa .Comic

Listening to ur song tsamwa ...u nailed it comic

Nxa mareason aurikupa akadhakwa ungat its not an easy thing as if you are being forced regedzakaa uonekut vanhu havashaye entertainment nemawandiro amakaita muzimbabwe sauro akafa asi Zimdancehall ichirikurira ..unongot just pray for me as well not kut we are human too we have feelings too we also go through things must we pray for you because you entertain us

This guy is the only thing making sense mumedia umu

yaaa also wanted to ask you how do u handle comments section coz umm

May the Lord bless you always and see you through your career 

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