Friday, January 31

Tatelicious Oti Musafananidze Refugee Camp NeJeri Educate Yourselves Isu Kuno Hatisati Tapiwa MaUniform

Hatisati tapihwa uniform wani??????


ASI tinozopihwa mbai mbai 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ndinenge ndikurasika mbichana ,educate me my fellow Zimboz .


Jeri neRefugee Camp is it the same ?


Because Kuno kuEurope ,ndirikugara pandisingabhadhare rent but ndichiita yandada.


Nekutoenda kuma sleep over ndozodzoka hangu after a few days.


Sei Muri kufananidza Jeri ne Refugee Camp?????🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣This is a little education to my fellow Zimboz.


The safest way to get papers in a European country is to use the government facilities offered for asylum seekers and refugees.


1)Free Accomodation


2 ) Free Health Care kana uchigara mu refugee facility


3) Free legal aid kana uchigara my refugee facility


#NB Like all the Basic Maslow Hierarchy of needs.


The moment you don't accept their accomodation then it means all other services zvanda mentiona wakuzvionera and you pay for yourself.


Then when you finish all the processes the same government will look for an apartment for you provided you live in their accomodation from the first day you entered that country.


Imagine Uri munyika munyowani and you don't even know anything , one opts for a safer route .


Inini hangu I chose this route .


Zvemudzimba dzevanhu or shamwari handidi.


KO akafuma achikuti buda mumba mangu unoendepi?????


The refugee accomodation is the safest place if you still new munyika imomo wanting to live in that country permanently.


Vamwe tiri vemapiritsi SO MY HEALTH COMES FIRST.❤️❤️❤️❤️


SEKAI HENYU BUT NDITORI BHO🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Ndavhunduka maybe ma refugee camp eku Zimbabwe majeri??????


Educate me

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