Monday, September 09

Shantel Yeukai Chiwara Mayor And Anna Sande 25 Year Olds CCC Zvinofadza Izvi

I’m thrilled with the rate at which the Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) is creating space for young people to lead. Below is Shantel Yeukai Chiwara (left) the new Mayor of Masvingo and Anna Sande leading Epworth. They’re both 25 years old & they’ve made history by assuming such responsibilities at a young age. 





Thomas Sankara once stated, “There’s no true social revolution without the emancipation of women !” Clearly, President Advocate Nelson Chamisa is walking the talk. An egalitarian society which embraces new voices & seeks to transform the lives of ordinary people by promoting inclusion is the way to go. 





Congratulations, Shantel & Annah ! It’s time to deliver & prove that beyond our outcry to have young women in leadership, is competence at the center ! 




A New Great Zimbabwe is possible !

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