Thursday, January 30

Shadaya Oti Kubva Olinda Zvaakachekwa Nyama Akuona Tytan Seasiri Chinhu Type Yake

I agree with Shadhaya......Olinda kubvira zvaachekwa nyama akuona kunge Tytan haisi type yakeOlinda does these things to spite Tytan all the time odeleter hake post or deactivate account.. Attention Seeker chaiyo

Tytan odzokazve oti I love my wife bla bla zvinhu zvacho 

Pane zvinenge zvichiitika kuseri uko but Nkomo ane mapaper here or ndozvanenge achinyengerera and OC plays this card always with intentions to show who is the King in this relationship..

It’s sad asi vachadzokerana vochatazveAsi zvekti vanhu muchinetsana munoisireiko pasocial media munotadza kugadzirisana kuseri here kna kunyarara ,ndosaka ndichida Madam boss ane hunhu haunze zvemarriage yake pasocial media

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