Thursday, February 20

Roki Josphats Living In Poverty

Roki Josphats has become a shadow of his former self.  Roki was at one time in the same class as Pokello, now he is in the same class as mufudzi we mombe kumusha.

Zimbolivenews got exclusive news of how things got so tough for Roki while he was in South Africa that he was at times sleeping at the train station. Roki Josphats had slept at friends houses for over 6 months that they got tired of his begging and borrowing. Roki was afraid to come back to Zimbabwe since he had left The country running away from mounting court cases for failing to pay maintenance to his 5 children from different mothers.

Roki had no choice but to come back home and move to Seke. Where he is living in a thatched hut.  When he came back he sold all his music equipment and the only thing he has ini his name is 2 bags of clothes. Roki Josphats is sleeping in the hut on the floor with 2 of his sisters kids. 

Roki once dated models and musicians like Amarra Brown. Roki has been trying to put a positive story behind his moving to kumusha claiming he is doing  maproject ehuku but this project belongs to his sister and her husband. 

Karma has chosen to be a bitch to Roki for how he ran away from paying maintenance and chose to live large while acting single in South Africa 

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