Priscilla Chigumba,Wicknell Chivhayo,Obadiah Moyo,Henrieta Rushwaya,Prisca Mupfumira should pray that Emmerson Mnangagwa lives forever because at the exit of Mnangagwa Jail time Priscillais waiting for them.
Their will know why Jonathan Moyo,Saviour Kasukuwere,Walter Mzembi and Chihuri live outside of Zimbabwe,Zimbabweans have unfinished business with Ignatius Chombo,Philip Chiyangwa their have corruption cases to answer,land barons will rot in Jail,kune vanhu vakarasikirwa ne land because these guys ,Jeri rakavamirira.
A land Audit will send Chiyangwa and Chombo to Jail,A voters roll audit will take Chigumba to the trusses not forgetting Zifa.
Zimbabwe irikumashure because ana mbavha ava.