Ndiro dambudziko ratiri kuita nemaclients akawanda, vanoda kusvitswa panzvimbo pane vanhu vavo asi voda futi kurova vanhu. Guys kurova munhu kunochinja hunhu hwake here?🤔
Kana uchida tifambire dzako nyaya tibate: 0774189186/0777376044 or visit is at Karigamombe Centre 5th Floor South Wing.
Hmmm pashata
Munofanirwa kutotanga maita body search first
Mumwe anoburitsa chivhorovhoro kana acid
Haizopera mushe
Vemafight munombosiya ombonziwoka wawa wawa mbijana mozobata
Zviri dangerous izviI blame vepa lodge. Munogosiya vanhu vachipinda muRoom yatengwa nemunhu sei?
Ko vanhu vakapfurana?Look, hasha dzakafanana nedoro. You don’t think straight at the time. You will only regret later when you get back to your senses.
If you listen to almost all of the convicts who committed crimes linked to unfaithful partners pa behind bars, you will notice that they all acted in anger but they are now living in regret…There's someone behind the camera person akatsamwa kudarika muridzi wemkadzi..please investigate him too,he was also given the porridge.