Saturday, January 11

One Minute uri Mundege Kuenda Kuchando Next Minute Wadai

One minute urimuNdege uchida kuenda kuchando and the next minute wakutsikwa neJombo musoro wokandwa mujeri.


Life has no balance. Takatadzei sevana veZimbabwe💔💔💔


Be Strong Namatai Kwekweza 🙏PLEASE RESHARE






This is evidence that crookED Emmerson is abusing the judiciary! His secret service thugs arrested 25-year-old Namatai Kwekweza, tortured her and detained her on a trumped-up charge, alleging she committed a crime on 27 June 2024.






The travel agent who issued her airline ticket in June has written an email confirming that Namatai was in South Africa between the 25th and 28th of June. So how could she have committed a crime in Zimbabwe when she was in South Africa? crookED Emmerson’s thugs confiscated her passport which also has this evidence and are keeping it to sustain their lie.


This just shows how crookED Emmerson has destroyed state security, the police, and the judiciary, making all three accessories to his corrupt rule! The state lawyers, known as prosecutors, should have investigated this when it was presented to them.






But they didn’t do it because crookED Emmerson uses the judiciary to punish anyone who exposes his criminality and failures! The evidence in this tweet clearly demonstrates a case of abuse of power and manipulation of the judiciary by crookED Emmerson and his thugs.

The arrest of Namatai Kwekweza on trumped-up charges, despite clear evidence that she was not in Zimbabwe at the time of the alleged crime, is deeply troubling and highlights the lack of due process and political interference in the justice system that we have repeatedly exposed!







All this is happening in the name of SADC but because Zimbabwe has NO institutional opposition, all the so called opposition leaders are quiet as a mouse! crookED Emmerson has paid off many of them to do his bidding, tragic! So Namatai is in prison for a crime she didn’t commit, accused of having committed it on a day she was not even in the country!







crookED Emmerson is an evil man, Nakai is young enough to be his own grand daughter, but the guy is cruel!


Source: Hopewell Chin'ono

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