Saturday, November 23

Olinda Chapel Otukwa Kunge Bete Radonera Mumukaka Pamusoro Pemba Yaarikuzvivakira

Millionare Olinda Chapel who is building her dream house in Gunhill Zimbabwe posted a video of the house getting build and some people feel she is showing off and posted some hatefull messages on her post. see the comments below.



with the amount of money you brag about, why can't you just buy a house of your choice on top of a hill,and leave isu who are average to build. Musatinyawudze ! just this past weekend you we're putting on a £40 gold dress .Money doesn't talk or make noise. You are just an average person. The problem is ambuya imi musoro wenyu, wakazara madhoto, pluz chi dangerous bharadzi kukura uchishaya, seMwana wa housegero , show us yr father, mboko iwe ? why kunyangadza vanhu. unoti mazi zino aka peyama ,anenge musoro wa dj towers .nxaa






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