Sunday, February 02

Olinda Chapel Kuita Kubatira Tytan Shamhu Kuti Anyore Nhoroondo About Her This Guy Is Abused Emotionally For A Man Tytan Kurawozve Kuita Baba Vanechimiro

IThe one thing I love about my wife is her forgiving heart and it’s something I had to learn because I’m such a good example of her forgiveness. 

This is something that we have had to teach our kids: 

- It’s better to have friends than to have enemies. 

- It’s better to love than to hate for it has a way of taking control of your life for the worst. 

Everyone needs to understand that our goal in our marriage is PEACE and we do not like having enemies. We will base our lives on FORGIVENESS and this is why we are sadly in the same cycle with people that hurt us sometimes. 

I will always stand with my wife because all her intentions are pure and never malicious. We are also here to entertain and enjoy life because it’s not easy at all to endure.

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