Sunday, September 29

Olinda Adds Back Tytans Last Name Fans Ask If Olinda & Tytan Are Back Together

Fans have started questioning whether Olinda and Tytan are now back together. This is after Olinda changed her facebook name by adding the surname of Tytan to make it Olinda Chapel Nkomo.

The couple made headlines after a nasty break up.

Below are comments from fans

Asi kuti Tytas adzokerana naOlinda zvaawedzera kaNkomo ako pasurname nekuti kaisavapo mazuva apfuura ayo??.Regai timbodzifambira nyaya dzacho..Zvakutoda kascooter izvi.Makumbo azvimb

Kaybee Kayz I hope ishuwa koz uyu anogona kungokwikwidzana attention nechitunha chaMoana

Angi Nana Wyngaardt Ndikoko Ndikoko tanga tagarisa tisina kumu taura OC

Tariro Mpofu Uyu anoda attention mbuya iyi yaona kt mazuvano yatonhora kt tonho

Faith Maita Seeking attention ka iyo Hapana ka akumutaura mazuvano

Gracious Mhanga They are not legally divorced she is still a Nkomo vangani chero makarambana mutonoroorwa ne masurname ekwamakabva nekuda kuchinja zvitupa zvashamisei pana Oc I am using my husband s surname chero tarambana ndogona kungoramba ndichiishandisa kusvika ndakwanisa kuichinja

Hazel Jones Gracious Mhanga Tangobvunza kuti asi vakadzokerana here .Zvese zvawakutaura zvekushamisira hameno kuti wazviwanepi..Dzidza kusangana nemubvunzo..Zidofo

Judie Ruzvidzo Mai Nigel Esnath Muradzi Olinda anga ambobvisa Nkomo uyo, that's why munyori arikubvunza kuti why adzoserwa

Related Story

Olinda has approached the High Court seeking to formally end their 19-month marriage arguing that her husband never loved her but married her to facilitate his stay in the United Kingdom, where she has permanent residency.

“The plaintiff (Olinda) seeks an annulment of the marriage between the parties which is a nullity, more particularly in that at the time that the parties entered into the marriage and exchanged vows, no valid marital union was created as plaintiff was not aware that defendant (Tytan) was entering into the marriage exclusively for the purpose of his acquisition of immigration papers entitling defendant to remain in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and by virtue of plaintiff’s permanent immigration status,” Olinda’s lawyers wrote.

She said Tytan misled her.

“At the time that the marriage was entered into, defendant intended it to be a marriage of convenience and a conduit for the sole purpose of the acquisition of immigration paper…,”  the lawyers added.

The couple were married in Harare on June 29, 2018.

The marriage still subsists.

Olinda and Tytan were blessed with a baby girl who is a year-old now.

Olinda says in the divorce filing that it will be in the interests of justice if she is awarded the custody of their minor child and wants the court to allow her husband to get reasonable access.

She also wants Nkomo to pay maintenance for their young daughter until she reaches 18.

The matter is pending.

Olinda became a social media sensation during her stormy marriage with the musician, Stunner. When the couple split, Olinda posted a series of messages on Facebook claiming that Stunner had milked her for money.

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